What Causes Body Pain, Intermittent Stomach Ache, Increased Appetite And Behavioural Changes?
Sorry I forgot to mention that he had stomache pains still after all this time, he has also had bad sleeping the past 2 months, sleepless nights, maybe that's what happened to his mental health. ok thanks.
His health issues need to be looked into
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX
Welcome back and thanks for your query.
I understand and appreciate your concern for your friend XXXX. His abdominal pains need to be looked into. It may be an easily treated condition like peptic ulcer or it may be something more sinister ,which he may be suspecting and is in denial. His action of appearing to be angry with you, maybe part of this denial.
If any one who has an influence on him, can talk to him to find out what the doctor told him, and what he feels about his health, it may help to make the picture clearer.
Think how he can be made to see a dedicated doctor, preferably a specialist in Internal Medicine .
The doctor would examine and run the necessary tests to determine the cause of his abdominal pain, poor eating and loss of weight.
In the meantime call him and encourage him to cycle, walk and be more active. If he likes your cooking, visit him with a bland food he likes. Spicy food, alcohol and caffeinated beverages may make his abdominal pain worse. Check with him .If so the pain may point towards an ulcer disease and a PPI might make him feel better till he is seen by the doctor.
Do get back with further queries and updates.
Best wishes and regards,
Dr Noble Zachariah