Question: I live in Singapore. I am 80 years old, male.I am a pensioner. I am the longest surviving hospice volunteer caregiver, 26 years and counting. The whole night through, fear has gripped me over difficulty in urination . Admiteddly I do not drink 8 glasses water maybe two or three at the most. .I do not want to do surgery as a
knee replacement surgery done in 2011 was not that ok as 3 years later a second op removed the "click" in the knee .On thieve of discharge from hospital 2011, , I stopped night. A catheter was used which also caused infection , the doctor said I had
prostate which without much help , I came through these 3 years. But within this period, 2011 to 20i3 I had to see 8 disciplines over a period of three years (,
psychiatrist ,ear nose and throat specialist which is causing some breathing difficulty, sleep apnoea investigation , respiratory, loss voice, facial micralgia ? dentistry, accupunture on the back , a feeling of ants crawling on the body , body not that sensitive to
cold in that psycholgically I cannot wear singlet to sleep , etc ,Then wife who is 86 wanted a divorce which after close to one year , she withdrew all d proceedings, she has bi-polar disorder and is going into
early dementia ). I am still seeing psychiatrist who is treating me with Zoplicone and 45mg
Mirtazapine, I am in a dilemma and payers are not my strongest point. How much do I pay you ?