What Causes Brown And Smelly Semen?
It is mostly due to infection of either Seminal Vesicle or Prostate .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have developed infection of either Seminal Vesicle (Vesicullitis) or Prostate (Prostatitis).
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.
1) Urine routine and culture.
2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis
3) Serum PSA.
4) Semen Examination and semen culture .
In the mean while start taking antibiotic like Doxicycline and anti inflammatory medication like Diclofenac twice daily .later on switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report .
It should get cured completely within 4-6 weeks .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions , I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.