What Causes Brown Color Urine?
Brown color suggests liver disease
Detailed Answer:
if you're certain that this is a brown color (like cognac, not dark yellow for example) then this is probably due to liver problems, so you should be concerned enough to investigate it. Since you were drinking a lot of water on purpose (that is without feeling thirsty), it's unlikely that your urine was too concentrated so there has to be another explanation.
Direct bilirubin when excreted in the urine turns its color to brown. Direct bilirubin is also responsible for the yellow discoloration of the skin and the eyes when liver problems occur. Increased direct bilirubin usually has to do with bile duct obstruction or drugs. You haven't mentioned your liver history in detail, so I cannot comment on that.
A urinalysis and blood tests (including direct bilirubin) will confirm or rule out this assumption.
Please also note that recent bleeding turns urine red. Blood clots that remain in the urine get a darker color that may resemble to your description. Clots are usually visible and the urine does not have a uniform appearance.
So testing for:
- blood urea and creatinine, bilirubin (total and direct), liver function tests
- urinalysis
will give us some very useful answers.
I hope I've helped!
If you'd like more information, please provide the details and I'll be glad to answer again.
Kind Regards!
I am a carrier of HepB due to my mother being infected while I was born. However, i have not been at risk if an active infection my entire life.
Would any residual blood in my kidneys caused by my stone have turned my urine the tea color? And also, is having chronic stones a serious issue? Diring my first kidney stone (6 yrs ago) it was shown on my CT scan that I also have gallstones. After eliminating high fat and processed foods I havent had any issues with my gallbladder.
I hope this additional informations helps .
Helpful information
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the input.
If it is bilirubin indeed then the color is not expected to change, at least not within the same day, so a changing color (brighter) is a good sign. I would insist on testing though.
Being a carrier of hepatitis B virus is not a disease actually so no problems are expected, particularly since you haven't experienced relevant symptoms.
Ibuprofen may cause hepatotoxicity even without clinically important symptoms besides urine and skin discoloration.
As I've already mentioned, residual blood may cause discoloration of the urine. If I could evaluate the color of your urine myself, that would help a lot. If you could take a good quality picture with very good lighting, I would be able to give you a more accurate answer. Please use a transparent container and shoot it against white background.
Kidney stones can be of variable severity depending on their size, location or even contour. Their etiology is also important because even if removed or expelled, new stones can be formed under certain circumstances (excessive calcium in the urine, increased uric acid etc).
If you need further clarifications, please let me know!
Kind Regards!