What Causes Brown Dead Skin After Wiping The Buttocks?
Likely to be fungal infection
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare-magic
Greetings of the day
Dear Ms,
Itching associated with peeling of skin suggest the possibility of Intertrigonitis that is fungal infection of skin. Exact diagnosis will depend on visual examination.
Excessive moisture, sweating, wearing synthetic undergarments are risk facors for it.
Is there any discoloration of skin of buttocks or vulva? Is there any raw skin or redness?
I would suggest you the following which will definitely help
1. Hot seitz bath: to a tub of lukewarm water add handful of common table salt. Sit in it for 15-20 minutes each session twice a day. Have shower bath after it.
2. Dry the area thoroughly: use soft wipes
3. Clotrimazole(antifungal) ointment and Betamethasone(steroid) ointment local application followed by application of Clotrimazole dusting powder will be helpful
3. Keep the are clean and dry
4. Wear cotton panties and wash the garments thoroughly to remove all traces of detergent: allergy to detergent can also cause it.
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kishore
Consultant Surgeon
Take Care
Detailed Answer:
Dear Ms,
Wishing you happy and healthy life.
Do write to me directly anytime you need any guidance.
Take Care
And most clotrimazole says for atheletes foot is that the right one?
you are right about Clotrimazole
Detailed Answer:
Dear Ms
Clotrimazole is also used for athletes foot. Betamethasone is usually available as over counter.
If the itching is severe Calamine lotion can be applied.
Take care
Best Regards