What Causes Bruised, Red And Swollen Eyes?
Allergy or bleed
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
Bruised/ red /swollen eyes can occur due to an allergy or contact dermatitis or a bleeding disorder. The area needs to be examined. Anti histamines and corticosteroids would be required for treating an allergic cause. If a bleeding disorder is suspected and there is additional evidence of hemorrhagic spots/purpura on other parts of the body then blood counts, platelets and coagulation profile should be done to rule out the possibility. Stool routine exam should be done. Presence of blood , leucocytes and fever should prompt treatment with antibiotics. H 2 blockers like ranitidine can also be given if gastritis related to an allergic cause is suspected.
Wishing you best of health
Let me know if you have any query
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
For future follow up / correspondence you may ask me directly at the link given below
Dr. M.S. Khalil