What Causes Burning Pain In Right Shoulder Blade And Ribs?
Burning Pain in right Shoulder blade / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans- Burning Pain in right Shoulder blade / Under Evaluation.
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed your query.Found it short of information.
Please update on the following info -
How long this pain is there?
Does it come after the pain ?
How does it start -after the twisting movements or after meals?
Did you had such a pain earlier?
How does it reduce last time,if any treatment was taken for that?
Plan to deal with this pain in back-Till I get more information-
My Impression based on the available information-
Seems to be either of Muscular twist with nerve compression in the back/ or
it could be from -Gall bladder Pain -which refers to the right shoulder blade-as in your case.
Consult Surgeon who would investigate by following test plan-
He would first assess Clinically and would give primary treatment with list of investigation as follows in stages
X-ray Chest and thorasic Vertebrae to fix any nerve compressing cause in the back.Any Lung lesion or compression neuropathy could be detected on this test.
Get USG abdomen/ CT Scan is suggested to find out if Gall bladder -Cholecystitis (Gall bladder inflammation from infection)or / Cholelithiasis(Gall Stones)/ Duodenal Ulcer-to detect the cause of such a pain in you.
Any other cause would needs to be ruled out while assessing such a case.
Remedy till further information is received from You-
Rest to part
Change of Diet to bland-
Hot Compresses
Tab NSAIDs- like Motrin from your Gp doctor
Tab Muscle relaxant like -Cyclobenzaprine-to relieve any muscular pain
Tab Neurobion -Vit B1,B5,B12 - to relieve any neural compression
Since most of these are Prescription drugs , you need to check into your local physician to get them .
Further remedy would be suggested depending on the cause after getting your information.
I will give further suggestions after getting more details about this pain in back.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day !!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist