Question: Hi,
My concern is possible exposure to
HSV1. Had protected sex, but
unprotected oral sex (was the receiver) from a woman orally HSV1 positive. She had no sores or symptoms during this encounter.
2 weeks post expsure: itchy red/irriated lesion formed on penile shaft. Never blistered or ulcered, but itched and was persistent on/off for a month. Its now gone.
4 weeks post: Inflamed red perenium and anus.
Single blister formed near anus, it was swabbed negative. From there anus and penis discharged occurred. Also discomfort/ burning in penis.
5 weeks post:
Night sweats for 2 weeks straight,
nerve twitches in legs. Burning perenium and skin on buttocks. Second swab was performed on perenium, result negative for
herpes 1 & 2.
BLOOD WORK: IGM negative for herpes at week 3 and 5
BLOOD WORK: IGG type specific @ 2 weeks, 6, 8, 13 weeks. Negative for herpes. Most recent test at level HSV1: 0.26 and HSV: 0.02. Negative is less than 0.90.
Full panel STD test was done. Negative for all common STD's.
Please review my current and remaining symptom. I have a "pimple" like lesion on my buttocks with another close to it...this followed the burning sensation. I fear herpes. What else could my symptoms be?
- First photo of lesion
- Second photo of lesion zoomed in
-Third photo close up after I "squeezed" and irriated it. Small liquid came out.
-Final photo. 2 very small sores on side of tongue. I am prone to cankers sores, is this herpes or just another
canker sore i frequently get?
Please advise. Are these herpes lesions? Can i trust bloodwork at 13 weeks?? I still having burning on buttocks as my last remaining symptom.