What Causes Burning Sensation On Top Of The Head?
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I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Fortunately that description is not indicative of a worrying issue, brain lesions do not manifest with such scalp sensations.
One possibility would be a local skin issue such as a fungal infection, psoriasis, eczema, even a reaction to a cosmetic product such as a shampoo or a hair XXXXXXX However these issues should have visible skin changes which can be seen on close inspection, if no such changes are seen, less likely. In terms of treatment, relief of symptoms may be obtained by use of topical steroids such hydrocortisone cream, antihistaminics usually used for allergy such as levocetirizine. However long term management depends on the exact nature of the condition.
Another explanation could also be simply anxiety. It is a very common issue which often is accompanied by such abnormal sensations. In that case measures may include from simple means such as relaxation exercises, yoga etc to a short course of anti anxiety medication such as benzodiazepines (for no more than a few weeks).
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I do not think the sebacious cyst over the eyebrow is the cause, its location and the symptoms you describe are in different nerve territories, so anatomically there is no relation, unless psychological factors are at play.
At times cervical spine issues may compress upper cervical nerves which innervate the scalp, however that presents more in the form of pain rather than the tingling feeling you describe.
If there are no visible skin changes I would put anxiety as the most probable diagnosis. It can be associated with neck and scalp muscle tension which may cause your symptoms. So I would try the above mentioned measures for anxiety. Also would try an over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen which is often beneficial in relieving muscle tension.
Let me know if I can further assist you.
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It is normal to have the tingling in the cyst surrounding area, due to the inflammation.
But this area is not as widespread as you describe it, a cyst in the eyebrow shouldn't cause tingling in the scalp which is affected by pressing on the neck, that is why I am saying that it is not due to the cyst itself. The eyebrow area is innervated by different nerve branches, unrelated to the nerves responsible for sensation on the back of the head.
You shouldn't be very concerned. As I said at the beginning such scalp sensations are not indicative of any brain lesions, whatever the cause it is not a threatening one.
I hope to have been of help.