What Causes Burning Sensation Under The Ribs When Suffering From Acid Reflux?

I went to hospital yesterday they checked my heart and said it was fine, but I am having like fast beat if I over exert or just walk a ways its like a panic attack but I am not sure that is what I am having I did really good all day today until I had to go out back and pick up a package then it came on me - is it the meds doing that - I see on blood work I am low in potassium just a little bit and I have neutrophils just a little bit in range they are like one point off oflab from being bad which could mean bacterial infection ????
Not caused by Prevacid
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about this pain and the rapid heartbeats that you have reported during exercise and all the inconveniences this has caused you.
Increased heartbeat during a physical exercise is totally normal and it is an adaptation of the body to be able to meet up with extra energy demands. To know whether it is a panic attack or a normal body adaptation, we need to look further into the symptoms. Panic attacks often result suddenly, last about 10mins and leave you with the feeling that you could die immediately, sweating and breathing rapidly. If these symptoms are present, then it may be more of a panic attack. If not, probably a normal reaction to exercise.
From the description of your neutrophils and potassium levels, there is nothing to be concerned about. I will like you to give me the absolute numbers so that I can independently comment on these. Infections and electrolytes abnormality cause XXXXXXX changes and not borderline suspicions.
I am a little concerned about the pain under the right ribcage. Was your liver and gall bladder checked as this could be possible causes of this pain?
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and do feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.

rib cage when this first happened I had all symptoms of gallbladder
attack and my doctor called me in prevacid it did kill the pain …
but it is still inflamed there like something is mad and I feel hot
liquid at times .. I can eat again and prevacid helped that, just
wonderingwha t it is. thanks for any info
Laboratory and Radiology this Visit (tast charted value for your
05l20/2014 visit)
Eos Auto: 0.2 % Normal range between ( 0.0 and 5.0)
Hgb: 14.4 gm/dL Normal range between ( 11.0 and 14.5 )
Lymph_ Auto: 21.1 % — Normal range between ( 15.0 and 45.0 )
MCH: 31.2 pg Normal range between ( 27.0 and 32.0 )
35.0 gm/dL Normal range between ( 32.0 and 36.0 )
MCV: 89.2 fL Normal range between ( 84.0 and 103.0 )
Mono Auto: 5.1 % Normal range between ( 3.0 and 10.0 )
MPV: 10.9 fL — Normal range between( 7.5 and 12.0 )
Neutro Auto: 73.4 % Normal range between ( 45.0 and 75.0 )
Hct: 41.2 % Normal range between ( 34.5 and 44.0 )
Platelet Count: 227 x10(3)/mcL Normal range between ( 150 and 450 )
RBS: 4.62-x10(6)fmcL — Normal range between ( 3.60 and 5.00 )
RDW: 13.2 % — Normal range between( 11.5 and 16.0 )
5.1 x10(3)lmcL Normal range between (4.0 and 11.0 )
Basophil Auto: 0.2 % Normal range between ( 0.0 and 2.0)
Mono Absolute: 0.3 x10(3)/mcL Normal range between ( 0.1 and 1.3 )
Eos Absolute: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL — Normal range between ( 0.0 and 0.7 )
Baso Absolute: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL Normal range between ( 0.0 and 0.7 )
Neutro Absolute: 3.8 x10(3)lmcL — Normal range between ( 1.7 and 8.1 )
Lymph Absolute: 1.1 x10(3)lmcL — Normal range between ( 0.6 and 4.9 )
IG Absolute: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL — Normal range between ( 0.0 and 0.1 )
IG Auto: 0.2 % Normal range between ( 0.1 and 0.3 )
NRBC Absolute: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL Normal range between ( 0.0 and 0.1 )
NRBC Auto: 0.0 % Normal range between (0.0 and 2.0 )
D-Dimer: 0.19 mg/L FEU — Normal range between ( 0.19 and 0.66 )
UA Character: Clear
UA Bacteria: None /HPF
UA Bili: Negative
UA Blood: Small
UA Color: Straw
UA Glucose: Negative
UA Protein: Negative
UA Spec Grav: <1.005 _
UA Squam Epithelial: Rare /HPF
UA Urobilinogen: <2.0 mg/dL
UA Ketones: 5 mg/dL
UA Leuk Est: Negative
DOB 09122;‘1962 4 of 12 Mayl20l2014 13:14:20
UA Nitrite: Negative
UA pH: 6.0
UA Ascorbic Acid: Negative mgldL
Creatinine: 0.8 mg/dL — Normal range between (0.6 and 1.3 )
Osmolality calc: 278 mOsm/kg — Normal range between ( 275 and 295 )
CKMBICK Index: <0.8 % — Normal range between ( 0.0 and 2.5 )
AIG Ratio: 1.3 Normal range between (0.6 and 1.4)
Glucose Lvl: 103 mg/dL - Normal range between ( 74 and 106 )
Lipase Lvl: 117 - Normal range between ( 73 and 393 )
Magnesium Lvl: 1.9 mg/dL — Normal range between( 1.8 and 2.4 )
Sodium Lvl: 140 mmol/L Normal range between ( 136 and 145 )
BUN: 9 mgldL — Normal range between ( 7 and 18 )
Chloride: 104 mmol/L Normal range between ( 98 and ‘|07 )
Total Protein: 7.9 gm/dL — Normal range between (6.4 and 8.2 )
Potassium Lvl: 3.4 mmol/L — Normal range between ( 3.5 and 5.1 )
Troponin-l: <0015 ng/mL Normal range between ( 0.000 and 0.100 )
Albumin Lvl: 4.5 gm/dL Normal range between( 3.4 and 5.0 )
Alk Phos: 84 Normal range between ( 50 and 136 )
ALT: 24 UIL - Normal range between ( 12 and 78 )
AST: 16 - Normal range between ( 3 and 34)
Bili Total: 0.5 mg/dL Normal-range between ( 0.2 and 1.0 )
Total CK: 60 UIL Normal range between ( 26 and 192 )
(202: 26.0 mmol/L Normal range between ( 21.0 and 32.0 )
Globulin Lvl: 3.4 gm/dL — Normal range between ( 2.7 and 4.8 )
Calcium Inst: 9.2 mg/dL Normal range between ( 8.5 and 10.1 )
CKMB: <0.5 ng/mL — Normal range between ( 0.5 and 3.6 )
eGFR-AfrAm: >60.0 mL/min/1.73 m2
eGFR-NonAfrAm: >60.0 mL/minl1.73 m2
Point of Care Testing
Nitrite Urine Dipstick: Negative
Urobilinogen Urine Dipstick: 0.2 mg/dl
pH Urine Dipstick: 7
Blood Urine Dipstick: Trace
Specific Gravity Urine Dipstick: Less than 1.005
Ketones Urine Dipstick: 15 mg/dl
Glucose Urine Dipstick: Negative
Urine Appearance Urine Dipstick: Clear
Urine Color Urine Dipstick POC: Yellow
Bilirubin Urine Dipstick POC: Negative
Protein Urine Dipstick POC: Negative
Leukocytes Urine Dipstick POC: Trace
Quality Check Urine: Positive
Urine Pregnancy: Negative
Diagnostic Radiology
XR Chest 1 View Frontal: XR Chest ‘l View Frontal
Thanks for this follow up!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this follow up information.
I have taken a look at these results. They are normal and nothing suggests an ongoing abnormality right now. Please, do not freak out about these findings. Special attention to the neutrophil counts and potassium levels don't seem concerning to me. Do you take any medications beside prevacid? Please, let me know.
I understand prevacid helped with this pain. It is not uncommon for two pathologies with similar clinical presentation to be present at the same time. Seen the fact that this pain was not completely eradicated by prevacid, I will suggest that you get an ultrasound just to make sure the gall bladder is fine and we are not missing out on something here.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for trusting us with your health query. Feel free to keep the discussion going.

I could send over the report of this passed sono and it only says distended gallbladder it makes no sense to me... I am so tired of wondering and hoping its not poisoning me. It feels like hot liquid at times moving.. I can say the prevacid has helped I wil lgive it some credit. Just only eat certain foods and hate being thin thin... I so appreciate your help - I will send over report in new email. I can't get it to go from here
Am so sorry to hear about this persistent pain
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this follow up precision.
I understand how terrible it is to continue in severe pains. I wish we could identify the exact cause of this and manage it appropriately. What is the intensity of your pain on a scale of 0-10? And how often are you in pains?
It is great that the intensity of the pins have been reduced but would be better if you can go without. I understand prevacid has done a great job already but what keeps me more concerned is this residual pain. Have you ever had an endoscopic exam to look at the stomach? If not, I will like that you do it and have more evidence to think this pain is entirely from the stomach and not related to any other organ.
With a distended bladder, the doctors should look for the possible reasons of this. Gall bladder disease pain would be most intense about 2hours after meals and more severe with lipid/fatty foods. You may also have some diarrhea/poor digestion. I do not know if you have these symptoms.
Have you been evaluated by a Gastroenterologist? It may be about time to do something in this regard. Also, I will like to see the complete report to understand what the thinking and conclusions were concerning this enlarged gall bladder.
Once more, am so sorry for this pain and hope together we may be able to help relief you of it.

Please, what stomach is healing?
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for this follow up question.
I am so sorry to hear that you still go n with pains. Can you please provide me with a complete list of your medications and how you take them daily? I want to make a thorough review and see if any drug interaction could be a possible cause of these symptoms.
Also, I did not understand what you mean by the stomach area is healing. Can you please shed more light on this?
Aloe juice is completely natural. Give it a try and should it help., then continue with it. However, aloe juice cannot be used as a substitute to your medications.
Hope to hear from you. Wish you well.

Thank you!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this follow up precision.
I had taken a look at this ultrasound reported. Though it mentioned a distended bladder, there was no other information to suggest a gall bladder disease.
I think you have been well treated for this acid reflux. With persistence of symptoms, I will strongly support your doctor to push for an upper GI endoscopy. This will help establish the exact nature of this problem. If findings are still in support of this diagnosis with no new possible causes, there may be need for more aggressive measures to manage this reflux if medical treatment fails to get all symptoms controlled.
Carafate is another drug used in treating reflux. With the other medications not providing adequate relief, I will find no reasons not to try other options. They may prove to be more helpful and open the doors for a better management.
I hope this helps. Please,strongly consider doing the upper GI. It will provide more information that would prove helpful either in pursuing more aggressive measures or new findings that may open the door to other possible causes and treatment. Let me hear from you when the updates are available or if need be.

Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this information.
During an upper GI scope, biopsy samples are obtained which would be able to tell whether you have H. pylori or not. Also, it would look directly at the defect of the causing this reflux to tell if for real it can explain all the symptoms that you have reported. Also. it would look at other neighboring organs to make sure all is okay.
I understand how difficult it can be to deal with such a pain. I look forward to these further investigations with great optimism of a possible lead to what the problem is and propose durable and effective solutions to help relief you of this pain.
Let me hear from you on what the findings are.
I wish you well.

and ulcers and all and i think this one uses radiation, is this a safe test for me to do or should i wait and do a endoscopy - i am torn with not knowing what to do
i was up last night with that burning in my side again and i could not sleep good and nerves are little bad now.. this is a terrible ordeal to manage to get your nerves back and health back. how do people do it...would you do the upper gi or get the
gi scope test done? or wait for it to heal more? thanks allot
I would have preferred a scope but both are safe!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this follow up information. I am so sorry to hear about this continued pain. I understand how frustrating this can be but then I call on you not to loose your nerves and make the already existing problem a bigger one.
Both tests are safe and provide reliable results. What is utilized depends on what options are available in the milieu. If both were present, I will most likely go for the scope as seeing directly is always a plus. Also, biopsy from the scope would be able to tell whether H. pylori is still of concern or not.
The radiations used with barium are very small and have been shown to be safe. there is no point in getting too worried about this. It would not cause cancer or any other concerning condition in future because of this one time exposure.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thanks and feel free to keep the discussion going. Let me know what you settle on with your doctors and the findings.

I am hoping it will heal up soon anyway - it seems like nerves come with this problem and you have to work your way thru it all. I will let you know how it goes
appreciate your help and guidance here. I asked for scope and I guess they do that next if they see things not right, must be insurance reasons attached to that cause she said - first upper gi, then hida scan if necessary? then endoscope so we shall see... hugs and thank you
Thank yo, too!
Detailed Answer:
Thank you so much for your kind words.
I wish you the best of all possible outcomes. I also await updates from you. Hope we get to identify the cause and propose longterm solutions to you.
Please, do keep me updated!

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