What Causes Change In Stool Color?
No sign for pancreatic cancer;viral gastroenteritis as probable cause
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.
1. The stool color does change according to the speed of passing bowel movements. In your case have lighter than normal is still considered within normal range.
It is not a sign of pancreatic cancer. You are reporting to have post nasal drip at that time. This might be caused due to a virus and might have been associated with Gastroenteritis (frequent bowel movements and loose stool).
2. As long as the liver function test resulted fine, no liver problem is suspected neither.
For the moment, I'd advise to :
- take probiotics to stabilize intestinal flora as it might be altered
- have light meals to avoid increase in frequency of bowel movements
All the best!
It is normal stool color
Detailed Answer:
Hi back.
yes your color stools is normal.
please bare in mind not all the time the color of your stool is the same because it change from foods used, rapid bowel transit etc.
It is not grey, not white but yellow and normal color.
wishing you all the best.