What Causes Cheesy White Vaginal Discharge?
please get a pelvic examination
Detailed Answer:
Dear member,
Thanks for writing.
Though candidiasis or thrush is common cause of cheesy discharge occasionally there can be mixed infection with anaerobic bacteria and chlamydia which needs testing and specific treatment.
This is best done by a vaginal examination and doing a culture and sensitivity test of the discharge.
Rarely patients with copper IUD can have endometrium infection too.
You may need combined treatment with clotrimazole and clindamycin pessary for mixed infection and oral antibiotics too depending on the culture and sensitivity result of the infection.
Please consult your gynaecologist at the earliest.
Please write back if you have any queries.
Dr Bhagyashree
detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
Dear member,
Thanks for writing.
you can use the vaginal pessary which contains clindamycin and clotrimazole combination . Available as three or 7 day therapy. That should help.
Also consider taking oral lactobacilli or another probiotic so that the normal bacteria number improve in vaginal canal and decrease the bacteria vaginosis.
Please continue application of clotrimazole ointment to the vulva for atleast a week and use a mild soap to wash the area.
Please write back if you have any concerns
Dr Bhagyashree