What Causes Chest Pain With Postural Tachycardia Syndrome?
I read that chest pain caused by POTS is not perfectly understood but that it is almost never caused as a result of Ischemia but rather is caused by "inferior lead electrocardiographic changes". So what does this mean?
Would like to know the excerpt of this statement
Detailed Answer:
I understand that you are trying to relate the recent chest pain with the POTS. You are trying to understand the pathophysiology of the chest pain because of POTS.
As it said chest pain due to POTS is not because of ischemia (lack of blood and oxygen supply to the part of the heart muscle). I believe so. You were writing about ECG changes (inferior lead electrocardiographic changes) which are 'result' of certain pathological process leading to chest pain. Whether it is ischemia or hypovolemia should be understood. I think the later is more apt, the amount of blood flowing through the arteries to the heart reduces leading to the pain.
I wish to know where did you read this statement and if you can send me the link of it. As I understand we sometimes find Inferior lead changes in a person with POTS. The reasons are not completely known.