What Causes Cold Sensation Around Ankles?
Ankle overload / stress causing this...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
From your description ankle overload due to long car travel seems most probable. The ankle can be swollen a little and there might be some pain or discomfort when moving the foot or walking.
Long travel can sometimes be the reason of veins thrombosis.
In the beginning the symptoms might be non specific. Typical symptoms of veins thrombosis are calf pain and hardness.
If any of this symptoms is present you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Otherwise you should rest and do not use much this leg. Please put some pillow under the foot when lying down. This should help in few days. If not please consult orthopedist.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Please check foot pulse.
Detailed Answer:
Such symptoms can be triggered by an anxiety indeed. However if its the same leg all the time blood supply should be checked. Especially if you smoke. In some cases cold limb on one side can indicate atherosclerosis - narrowing of the artery. This can give cold limb as well as the pain of the calf when walking.
Please try to palpate the pulse on your foot (please see the area where the pulse should be present on the image http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/pedal-pulses-0000.jpg).
If there is a pulse, no need to worry. If there wont be pulse, you should consider vascular surgeon consult.
No need to worry.
Detailed Answer:
Than there is nothing to worry about. There is just one thing you should have checked. As diabetes can cause small nerves and blood vessels problems, please check couple of times your glucose level.
If this will be ruled out, anxiety is the most probable reason of such sensations.