Question: Constant hissing sound in my head most of the day for a long time, continues off and on, stressful.
This month diagnosed with MS..MRI shows XXXXXXX Fingers suggestive for MS.
Had 5 Lumbar surgeries over the yrs. Last one in 2002. Schwanoma Tumor partially imbedded into
Spinal Cord @ C 2-3, removed 2002. Some partials of tumor remaining in Spinal Cord. New MRI's show no new growth of Tumor as of 2012.
At age 28yrs. diagnosed with severe HBP, on meds since then.
Diagnosed with
Hydrocephalus 2009 had Shunt in 2009.
This month diagnosed with MS..MRI shows XXXXXXX Fingers suggestive for MS. Could Hissing be related?
Had Spinal Tap last week to confirm MS diagnosis, will know outcome Monday (04-21-14) with Internist.
Have suffered Vertigo in the past and whistle sounds in ears.
Diagnosed in 1991 with
Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy in 2005.
Have a posterior fossa
meningioma 2cm found in 2009.
3 more MRI's since then, tumor remains the same.
Some family history:
There is on my Mothers Side Degenerative
Disc Disease, i.e. Uncles, cousins, my Brother (5 surgeries also) now my two daughters, including myself afflicted with this disease.
Had an
Laminectomy at age 28. Last intense lumbar surgery in 2002. 5th
Nerve root damaged.
Sciatica badly, much burning, shooting nerve pain in legs.
Diabetes in my mothers fam., includes my mother, her mother, her brothers (my Uncles) , my cousins, my brother and myself diagnosed 4 months ago.
Have always taken good care of myself, good diet, very athletic before I became ill with these diseases.
Severe imbalance & pain in head, body, shoulders, neck, arms, hands.fingers, legs.
Possible from MS?
Problem concentrating, some short memory issues, problems forming sentence structures.
Due to imbalance in my head I lost my life, unable to drive and many more activities I love to do? I have to be very careful when I walk. I use a Cane when needed.
Could this loud Hissing on the left side of my head be due to the Meningioma and MS?... If so how can it be treated. If not can Hissing be treated?
Your opinion will be greatly appreciated! Thank you, XXXXX