What Causes Constipation After Taking Solesta Injections?
Constipation is one of the sides effects of Solesta...
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history carefully and I am sorry for the situation you are in.
Radiation is often associated with constipation. However before reaching a conclusion I need to know whether pelvic area was also involved in radiation therapy. It’s not recommended to use Solesta in patient after pelvic radiotherapy.
You are right, one of the sides effects (although it's a rare) of Solesta is constipation. Moreover I need to know your diagnosis for which Solesta was administered to you. I need to know your diagnosis, lab tests and medications you are currently taking. This will help to exclude other causes of constipation.
Looking forward to have the requested data in.
Dr. Klerida
The radiation therapy (Inverted Y) indeed went to the pelvic areas (it was top of chest to the left and right inguinal areas), but that was in 1984. Solesta was administered last Wednesday by a colo-rectal surgeon at NYU Langone. The Dx was "chronic fecal incontinence" [seepage, however, not loss of bowel control] resulting from a lateral sphincertotomy I received in the summer of 2013, for a chronic anal fissure. The phsyician who adminitered Solesta knew about the prior radiation. He asked me if they covered me with a lead blanket, and when I said yes, he said that Solesta was not contraindicated.
I've listed all my medications on my profile. Can you access that?
The only test performed to "clear" me for Solesta was a transrectal sonogram, which showed to damage at all.
I've never had severe constipation before, and it did begin, either causally related or coincidentally, immediately after the injections of Solesta. I've tried mild Miralax and an occasional tb. of Milk of Magnesia. I have a feeling of urgency about evacuation (first time this has ever occurred) most of the day; I am able to pass only very small bit of fecal matter.
I cannot increase my fiber intake because of adhesions (my last SBO was in 2005, involved a resection, and led my surgeon to tell me to stay on a low-fiber diet, with which I've done fine).
Questions: 1) Is there urgency to my seeing a physician, and if so, in your view, should I see a gastroenterologist or a colo-rectal surgeon? After what point do urgent pressure and constipation (with a few moments of small extrusion of fecal matter) constitute a medical emergency?
2) Are there stronger (but non-fiber-adding) laxatives that I should try?
3) Any advice in general?
You need to be followed by your physician...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your follow up queries.
1. You should see your physician first to get your situation further evaluated. You do not need to see a surgeon for the moment as what you are experiencing is related to side effects of Solesta.
If the pain is unbearable and is not improving, should go to ER for immediate evaluation and treatment.
2. As stronger laxative option, I'd suggest: Clean prep (a preparation used to prepare patients prior to colonoscopy). However, you should get further evaluation by your physician before taking it as should prevent ileus to occur.
3. Generally, you should increase water intake and keep following up with your physician.
All the best!