What Causes Constipation Along With Bloating, Cramps And Discomfort In The Abdomen?
Discomfort in stomach almost like a crawling, cramping sensation?
Can be early gastric tract infection or constipation predominant IBS
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to Healthcaremagic. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all it's sad to know what you had been going through lately.
Based on the history you have shared, its early to suggest IBS based on such short history but if symptoms tend to recur repeatedly it can be a possibility however the details you have shared favor more towards a temporary cause like gastric tract infection or gastritis.
Using antacids like omperazole before meals as well as Motility agents like domperidone or itapride can help with bloating as well as facilitate gastric emptying and smooth movements of bowel. For pains, OTC analgesics like acetaminophen can be used.
But a detailed review by a gastroenterologist and ultrasound abdomen, bowel sounds examination, and Xray abdomen erect spine films may be needed.
A suspicion of bacterial over growth should be kept in mind as well and it may need antibiotics treatment with rifixamin. Using adsorbents like itapride with diets can also help for smooth passage of stools.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope this has answered your query. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. Regards