What Causes Constipation And Mucus Like Discharge In Stool?
Ensure plus ispaghula husk, continue the stool softeners
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
Bowels vary from person to person. Some may feel comfortable with passing stool once in 2 or 3 days. Others may have a greater frequency. Inadequate water intake , lack of fiber in diet and inactivity are possibilities based on the history that you shared. If you were my patient I would advise combining ispaghula husk with ensure milk to be drank one 250 ml glass twice daily. Metoclopramide would also be added to this regimen. You may also continue the stool softeners with the above. Plenty of water and adequate fiber intake by including lots of green leafy vegetables, oat meals , whole grain foods should also be done. Brisk Walk at least 30 minutes daily should also be included in your routine as static lifestyles lead to static bowels !
Most likely the constipation would be relieved by the above measures. If it persists along with the mucus like stools then you should seek medical attention. A stool for ova and parasite along with routine examination of the stool can be advised in consult with your doctor to look for other causes.
Wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
For future follow up / correspondence you may ask me directly at the link given below
Dr. M.S. Khalil