What Causes Constipation, Gastric Issue, Nausea And Abdomen Pain After Abdominal Adhesion?
X-ray of abd in standing position and serum electrolytes.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
To recapitulate: Female/44 - Operated Sept 2 - extensive large bowel adhesions removed - 2 weeks post op - bowels not moving with citromag half to one bottle a day and plenty of water - no feeling or ability to move bowels - very little gas moving - nausea - pains - housebound - no opiates - huge distension - very little sounds ...
My thoughts:
- Citromag is an osmotic laxative meaning it draws water from the intestinal wall and helps softening stool. If it is not working means there is a problem.
- What foods/liquids are you allowed to take or taking since surgery?
- Since you are symptomatic, there is a problems. Needs clinical evaluation and examination along with investigations:
I would advise you the following:
Visit your Doctor/Surgeon / ER
X-ray of the abdomen in standing position will give an idea about the dilated bowels, whether there are fecoliths or not and the level of obstruction if any.
Blood electrolytes will give an idea whether there is any deficiency of potassium which has to be normal for the bowel muscles to act. If it is less, simply supplementing potassium can help move the bowels. Please get this asap.
These two investigations can helps you to know the reasons for the symptoms you have and also helps in management.
I hope this answer helps you to get an early and proper diagnosis and treatment.
Bowels work/ should work without any laxatives
Detailed Answer:
Not necessarily.
Citromag enhances the normal movement by drawing and retaining water into the large colon. This softens the stool and stimulates the rhythmic movement of the muscles in the colon, leading to a bowel movement.
Ideally the bowel movements should occur without any assistance.
Without citromag there is nothing happening in bowel. Zero
Additional investigations as advised
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This is the necessity for having additional investigations as advised above.
Please get these done and post the reports.
I will never make it 3 weeks
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You may have to insist.
What about serum electrolytes?
And plain X-ray of the abdomen in standing position?
These would get an idea and may be admission to the hospital for proper management.
Try to consult you operating Surgeon.
Serum Electrolytes.
Detailed Answer:
Yes, this is what I was trying to tell.
You need urgent care as per the clinical findings and investigations.
Please get the electrolytes done as less potassium in the blood can also cause such a problem and simple potassium supplement as per the report can solve your problem.
Please insist on serum electrolytes urgently.
Go to ER.
Insist on Serum electrolytes and other investigations of blood.
Request for enema or whatever they can do for evacuation. You need evacuation of the colon.
I can understand the plight you must be going through.
As detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Hopefully they arrange necessary things in ER.
Please insist on serum electrolytes as explained above.
Request for evacuation by whatever means they can do as enema at home has failed. For the enema to act, one needs active and contractile colon and rectum.
Please give feedback.
Please give feedback of the developments
Detailed Answer:
Most welcome.
I shall be happy to assist you till you get alright.
All the best.