What Causes Cough And Cold With Nasal Mucus In An Infant?
My 13 months baby (weight 16Kgs) was suffered from cold from 10-17th XXXXXXX followed by a viral fever from on 22-25th XXXXXXX and now she is having cough and also having mucus and nose blocked since 25th XXXXXXX
Problems she is facing
1) Cough
2) Cold (white liquid mucus , not yellowish as of now)
3) Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)
After consulting with doctor we are giving the below medicines
1) Ambrodil – 3ml thrice a day
2) T-Mimic - 3ml thrice a day
3) Nesoclear saline drops – 2-3 drops in each nostril 4 times a day
Questions I have.
Though for immediate relief we are doing allopathy but we believe for permanent relief we need to take help of homeopathy.
1) As she is suffering for long time (2-3 weeks) we have also given her the below medicines simultaneously
a. Heper sulf 30 (4 drops – twice a day)
b. Ammon curb 30 (4 drops – twice a day)
Can you please let me know will this medicines work with Allopathy or will react adversely with my 13 months old baby?
2) Can you please suggest if the homeo medicines we are applying are correct?
3) Also to build her immunity and to fight at the time of season changes can you suggest any medicine which we can give her for a long time and which will be safe without any side effects to my baby.
4) Will the allopathy medicines we are giving cause any side effect to my baby?
We stay in a joint family and during season change somebody falls sick at home and my baby catches cough and cold from them. But this time this is bit prolonged so is there anything to worry about?
Thanks and Regards
Homoeopathic treatment required
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX
Nice to hear from you
I have gone through detail provided by you.
Thats help me to understand the case and select the medicine.
Small children are most prone to suffer from cough and cold due to weak immunity.
Due to Infection in lung mucus accumulates in bronchi and it leads to shortening of breath.
Allopathic medicine helps to dry the accumulated cough in lung.
But it is not suggested because it may lead to some consequence of repeated infection or shortening of breath.
I would not prefer to continue Allopathic medicine in such case.
The homoeopathic medicine you are taking is good.
Continue Hepar Sulph 30
Ammonium Carb 30 helps where thin mucus is coming out of the nose. But in your case mucus is thick white so medicine would not be much effective now.
I am suggesting some more medicine XXXXXXX Bich 30 6 pills three times in day
Calcarea Phos 6 pills two times in day Medicine helps to build immunity
Munostim from WSI
Take the medicine for one week
Allopathic medicine along with Homeopathic medicine has exactly opposite mode
of treatment. So taking both medicine would affect the normal process of healing. You can continue Nasoclear Saline drops as advised
Though the allopathic medicine are safe to use. But i would suggest you to consult your doctor for any medicine related side effect because it may vary case to case.
I would suggest to keep Ammonium Carb and XXXXXXX Bich with you for future. In case of any cough and col medicine help you cure in effective manner.
Hope this is clear to you
In case of any query feel free to ask
Dr Ratnesh
Thanks so much for replying back.
So effectively we need to have the below medicines
1. Continue Hepar Sulph 30
2. Ammonium Carb 30
3. XXXXXXX Bich 30 6 pills three times in day
4.Calcarea Phos 6 pills two times in day >
5. Munostim from WSI
Now I have the below questions
1) Can we get liquid drops of XXXXXXX Bich ?
2) Is Munostim from WSI for immunity too?
3) do we need to continue Campos 6x and Munostim also for 7 days only?
4) One of my friend is suggesting
a) Ayurveda medicine "21 Drops of Suvarnprashan" (1 drop per day for 21 days) for 6 months to build immunity
b) Septilin DROPS which is available for Infants
=> Can you please suggest if these can also be taken or if they are safe?
I will stop the Allopathy in another 2 days after finishing the course and then continue with the Homeopathy. Moreover can you suggest any medicine for long term or which can be continued so that this cough/cold/flu can be avoided?
Thanks and Regards
You may take liquid of any medicine
Detailed Answer:
Now your revised treatment would be
1. Hepar Sulph 30 6 pills twice in day
2. XXXXXXX Bich 30 6 pills three times in day
3. Calcarea Phos 6x pills two times in day >
4. Munostim from WSI
You may take liquid of any medicine. Liquid is also available in the market. If you are taking liquid then take 2 drops of each in mentioned frequency.
Munostium is Immune system activator. This is a good preparation by WSI and has good result in case of infants.
The duration of cal phos and Musnotium is for 1 month. It may be extended depending upon requirement. I would suggest you to take 1 month initially.
Ayurveda medicine can be taken along with the homeopathic medicine. But there should be some time difference between each medicine.
Understand cough and cold are caused due to exposure of changing weather and low immunity. Instead of good medicine you need to save your child against direct exposure of changing weather.
Calcarea phos and munostium has good role in strengthening immunity
Hope this is clear to you
In case of any query feel free to ask
Dr Ratnesh