What Causes Cracks On Foreskin And Painful Urination?
I was also using silicon and liquid nails yesterday and my hands were covered in it. I washed my hands as tthoroughly as I could. LoL. I then masturbated and used sorblein moisturising cream. :(
this morning I didn't shower till 10am.
Iv developed cracks in my foreskin and it's a little painful when I urinate and when I pull my foreskin back.
This has happened 3 times over a period of 3 months. Which only lasts around 3-6 days.
Is it thrush? Is it a reaction to the cream or is it because my immune system is down because of the drug? Could it be possible I have diabetes? I'm freaking out and would love some help. As it is obviously embarrassing for me. :(
Diabetes is a possibilty
Detailed Answer:
Good Day,
Glad to see a question coming from Perth. A city where I lived and love very much. I worked in Fremantle hospital and St XXXXXXX of God hospital, Subiaco few years back.
Noted your concern and appreciate your efforts to cut down amphetamine use.
Noted that, you have had multiple episodes of cracked foreskin in the recent past.
This could be due to dryness ( I guess it is pretty cold in Perth now). DIABETES has to be ruled out. As an endocrinologist, I keep seeing plenty of people who test positive for diabetes when they have recurrent foreskin cracks. You have not mentioned your ethnicity. Diabetes is pretty common among youngsters of Asian, middle eastern, south XXXXXXX and aboriginal community. This is very uncommon among Caucasians.
Thrush is a possibility only if you notice a whitish coat on your glans.
Do not worry. Wash your glans and foreskin with warm water and apply gentle moisturizer on the outside of foreskin 2 to 3 times a day. Avoid sex and masturbation for few days if possible.
Please get a blood glucose test as soon as possible. I hope you will reply with the blood sugar reports ( fasting blood glucose and HbA1c). You may visit your GP to get this done.
Kind Regards