What Causes Cramps And Menstruation Once In Sex Months?
It appears to be due to hormonal imbalance most likely due to weight gain
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
Home pregnancy tests are quite sensitive. I don't think you are pregnant. Yet I advise you to do one blood pregnancy test as it is more sensitive.
Since you have not mentioned any other complaints it appears that the delay in your menstrual cycle is due to hormonal imbalance affecting ovulation most probably due to weight gain. Yet it is important to rule out other reasons for the delay in periods like polycystic ovarian disease ( PCOD), decreased thyroid function ( hypothyroidism), increased prolactin secretion etc. Do you have excessive hair growth on face , arms etc. This again suggests polycycstic ovary disease.
It is important that you consult Gynecologist to do the hormone tests. FSH, LH,( these hormones give information on function of ovary) Thyroid function tests, prolactin blood tests need to be done. It is important to do ultrasound to find out if you have polycyctic ovaries. Polycystic ovary disease is quite common in this age group.
If these tests are normal, then in all probability it is the recent weight gain that is interfering with ovulation and delaying the mensus. Maintaining normal BMI is important not just for regular menstrual cycles but also for the general health.
As you reduce weight menstrual cycles become regular again. Don't get upset about this issue. Even emotional stress can delay the periods.
I hope I have answered your queries. If you need any clarifications do write to me. I will be happy to answer.
I have in the past 6 months have facial hair growth. (about 5-8 for lack of a better word 'whiskers' that are dark on the right side of my face) I do not have any other extensive hair growth.
I gained the weight after I lost my job in XXXXXXX 2014. I have recently begin an exercise regimen and have a goal to have the 50lbs off by August 2015.
Would the hormone imbalance be caused from weight gain?
It appears to be due to hormonal imbalance most likely due to weight gain
Detailed Answer:
Yes. With Obesity there is excess estrogen and insulin produced. These can interfere with menstrual cycle regularity.
Now from your notes I feel you have polycystic ovary disease.
The good news is that even if you reduce your weight by 10% the menstrual cycles start becoming regular. You are already on the track of treatment by determining to reduce weight. This is very good.
There are ups and downs in everyone's life. Don't get upset and spoil your health. Be positive. If possible join a gym. If you have financial constraints jogging/running in the park daily for 30-45 minutes, eating healthy food, cutting down on fats and reducing calorie intake will definitely help. There are good exercise videos on you tube. You can see and do that too, to reduce your weight.
I wish you good luck for your health and for getting a new job.
If you have no further queries please close the discussion