What Causes Curving Of Penis Towards Left Side?
Good day!
My penis is curved towards left and downward, how can i get it straightened? is there any non surgical way or surgery is the only way? ed i feel very och-ward while having sex with my partner and because of this i'm not able to have fascinating sex life.
Please provide information on non surgical and surgical way of correcting the same, I reside in XXXXXXX so where can i get treated for the same in XXXXXXX
It could bedue to Peyronies Disease.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have bending of your penis on erection.
It could be either due to scarring of the Tunica Albuginea an envelop that covers erectile tissue or due to formation of calcified plaques in Tunica Albuginea(Peyronies Disease)
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1)Since how long you have been getting bending of penis on erection ?
2) Do you have any difficulty in penetration of vagina during sexual intercourse with your female partner.?
3)Do you palpate any hard nodule (Lump) in shaft of the penis?.
4) Upload photograph of your penis on erection.
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination to confirm the diagnosis.
Normally the penile curvature that occurs on erection gets resolved without any treatment over a period of 2 years.
We advise surgical correction only when the person is unable to penetrate vagina and perform the sex.The surgery involves what is called as plication of Tunica Albuginea on opposite site to correct the curvature or excision of plaque and graft with other tissue .This depends upon the degree of and severity of curvature.9More than 30 degree)
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,
I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
answers to your points
1. I'm having this problem for more than 10 years
2. I need to take support of my hand always to penetrate into vagina while having intercourse with my partner and very often penis comes out while having sex. This makes very upset and my partner but she never tell.. I will get to know by her feelings.
3.There is no hard lump in the shaft of the penis
4. Photograph upload in report pdf format please go through the same and let me know how can it be treated?
It is very minimal curvature.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feedback.
I have seen the photograph It is very minimal curvature(less than (5 degree) and does not need any treatment at all.The problem that you face could be due to dry insufficient vaginal secretion for pain free penetration of vagina.Try to use lubricant before you penetrate the vagina.
Thanks and Regards.