What Causes Cystoid Macular Edema?
what could be the reason for this sudden onslaught? Is it due to RA or systemic lupus or autoimmune disease
Will I get back my Vision completely,Will this CME reccur?
Any more eye drops useful?
Any further treatment?
Pl reply
CME usually does not recur, no need to worry.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history. It seems from the history that you had cystoid macular edema. This usually occurs in the inflammatory conditions of the eye. Probably in your case it has occurred because of inflammation of the posterior part of the eye secondary to viral fever. This is treated by eye drops and injections.
Usually if treated properly it will lead to complete recovery in vision. In your case the probable cause for dimunition of vision is cataract and with treatment for cataract it should clear up.
The autoimmune diseases does not have direct relationship with this.
If the cystoid macular edema is not active it does not require further treatment or eye drops. Hence no need to worry.
CME usually does not recur on its own unless there is inflammation again. Hence no need to worry.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards
Normally CME appears after cataract operation.Why it appeared before? My US trip
recently to Florida had something to do with such ocurance.
Thanking You
Cataractsurgery is one of the common cause for CME
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
Cystoid macular edema occurs secondary to any inflammation of the eye. Surgery is one of the commonest causes for CME. However it can occur following infections, vascular diseases...
Probably in your case it has followed viral infection. Travelling to any place will not cause CME.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards
Thank you for the excellent discussion and making me aware what is CMD.Hope I am not troubling with my stupid questions.
My CME and viral disease is followed by muscle tingling in the right hand and numbness below feet especially below finger joints. Are they due to viral fever or age related diseases or environmental factors or neurological problem?. What blood related studies are required to find out the problem?
With regards
These are related to viral infection.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
These tingling, numbness appear to be related to your viral infection. The viruses which affect the nerves usually will cause these symptoms in the recovery period. These are transient and will improve once the infection subsided. Sometimes they require use of multivitamin supplements to help in quicker recovery.
Blood tests are not helpful after the infection subsides, hence no investigations are requires as of now.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards