Question: Hi ,my last period was on 18 march 2014 , I took
Ipill (emergency
contraceptive)on 23rd march 2014 and unwanted 72 (emergency contraceptive)on 26th march 2014 . I have still not got my periods . I took a
pregnancy home test today, it was negative . why haven't i still not got my periods . also i want to know taking two Contraceptive pills in a short duration , does it affect my cycle (if yes , how much minimum delay is expected).Is there anything i can take to force my periods . Also I am a
pcos (
pcod) patient ,i would also like to mention on 4th april 2014 i had unprotected encounter(no sexual intercourse took place). this encounter was in a shower when i found out the semens on my upper hip left side and washed it immediately and cleaned the whole portion ,so I am afraid that if it could have seeped in because of flowing water though i was very careful in washing but i think before i found out about the semens on my upper hip left side, some of it might had seeped in the vagina before I realised it and washed it., . it is still possible i might be pregnant (till what date should i keep doing the pregnancy test ) on 4th april 2014 , after the shower encounter , i had protected sex .. also a doctor in healthcaremagic advice me to take
norethisterone when can i start the Norethisterone tablet (dose and for how many days) . my period was supposed to come on 14th of april. I have been taking pregnancy test since a week and all my results are coming as negative. also can you elaborate on the safe and fertile days in this case .