What Causes Diarrhea,vomiting And Fever After Eating Fajitas?
Concentrate on treatment and not the cause
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history, making it very difficult for me to give you the correct diagnosis.
After re-reading this, my opinion goes in favor of a problem with the chicken and steak which was pulled out of the freezer as the most probable cause.
Almost all are suffering except your husband; probably his resistance power is really great.
A baby just 4 months old and on breast feeding can not give so much infection as to all other members start having the problem.
Apart from this, the fact remains is all need to have a treatment. And would have been same whatever is the cause .
So please go ahead with the treatment. Throw-away the remaining chicken and steaks if you still have. Relax. No one has done anything purposefully. Concentrate on treatment.
There were other servings too
Detailed Answer:
Very true.
But there were other servings too.
Both chicken and steaks were in the freezer.
It would be impossible at this point to determine which one caused the problem unless we test the foods for ( not possible , I suppose).
Better to concentrate on the treatment.