What Causes Difficulty In Emptying Stool Along With Tiredness?
cremaffin suspension and ispaghula husk initially
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
I appreciate your concern
Hypothermia is body core temperature below 35.0 °C or 95.0 °F.
Though you should repeat the temperature reading as many a times it can vary with respect to individual use and initial setting ans weather.
Keep yourself warm and take plenty of fluids. Stool softeners like cremaffin in combination with ispaghula husk would help with the bowel movements.
If the symptoms persist despite these measures then serum electrolytes and full blood count can be advised. Though everyone has a different bowel habit and constipation is not determined on one day of not passing stool, in severe cases keen enemas are advised. In my assessment that would not be required in this case. Fluid and electrolyte balance correction alone would suffice.
Let me know if you have any query
Wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Dr M.S Khalil.