What Causes Dimples On Right Breast, Legs And Buttocks?
Do you think it is weight related? I do have dimples on my legs and buttocks due to weight.
Re: my breast - I don't have any nipple retraction or skin changes (other than the dimple).
Pleas help. I've got photos to send too.
Ligaments of XXXXXXX
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and clear pictures.
Noted your history of dimple on the right breast appearing on when the arm is by the side.
If the dimple is permanent irrespective of the position of the arm, or if there is a lump underneath, then only you should worry.
I would advise you the following :
Do self examination.
Consult a General Surgeon for examination, investigation like mammogram, ultrasound, FNAC only if the swelling is there.
This is to reduce the anxiety.
The appearance explained by you is usually due to the Ligaments of XXXXXXX that keeps the breast in shape. Ligaments remain of the same length and deposition of fat of obesity gives this appearance.
I hope this answers your query.
Please feel free to ask further if you need to or if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Thanks for your assessment. As I said when I move my arm up the dimple goes. Also when I flex my biceps the dimple is not visible.
I do not feel a lump underneath.
If I monitor the dimple over the next 6 months and there is no change in size of dimple, or texture and shape of the breast then do you think it's weight related.
Finally I wanted to ask - can benign lumps and cysts cause dimpling?
May be related to the weight and can occur due to inflammation too
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
Read and understood your point : If I monitor the dimple over the next 6 months and there is no change in size of dimple, or texture and shape of the breast then do you think it's weight related.
Yes, then it may be weight related.
Finally I wanted to ask - can benign lumps and cysts cause dimpling?
> Benign lumps can cause this if they are of inflammatory in nature like old abscess or so.
I hope this answer helps you.