What Causes Discomfort In Eyes Despite Using Anti-glare Lenses?
The problem is my eyes are not feeling very comfortable after it. (Before that there was no issue)
Is it due to that two anti-glare filters ( glasses and screen) nullify each other and harmful rays are reaching my eyes as-is. (Brightness is controlled though)
Is it something else.?
antiglare specs, additional screen before computerscreen is more effective.
Detailed Answer:
Anti glare specs with same screen before laptop or desk top will be double protective. It will not nullify each other. Some time it is mandatory to use protective screen in front of laptop or desk top screen. It will protect your eyes from rays coming from out side.Thinking that two protective glasses will nullify each other is imaginary and good feeling is psychological. Not feeling comfortable can be due to other reason like dry eye or associated other problem.You can consult ophthalmologist for examination and advice. He may clarify on your doubt.Optically it can not be justified. Lens you are using that is one of the best and have no refraction. Its transparency is the best.Side by side you can use refresh eye tear drop.Exclude other problems of allergy in the eyes.