What Causes Diverticular Disease In Elderly?
I have a problem in my abdomen that creats discomfort (not pain) every night about 2 hours after going to sleep. The only thing that seems to help or reduce the discomfort is Ibruprofen. This has been going on for at least 12 months. I get very little sleep.
I have had recently a CT SCan & a MRI scan that shows "uncomplicated diverticulosis of the colon", A blood test for "coeliac" was negative.
Where do I go from here?
John Dent
Manage Your Bowel Habits
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in
With the CT and MRI confirming diverticular disease, the pain appears because the diverticula get inflammed
Diverticulosis is a condition that develops when pouches form in the wall of the colon . These pouches are usually very small (5 to 10 millimeters) in diameter but can be larger.
You need to manage your bowel habits, Add extra fiber in diet or supplement
A good probiotic or a serving of Yougurt daily
Avoid getting constipated and do not strain while passing stool
Avoid food that cause gas, I mean avoid fried fermented and junk food
Diverticula can get inflammed, ruptured and/or cause adhesions locally, which will endup in surgical intervention
A tablet of ibuprofen when pain is not bearable is Ok but do not take lot of pain killers, instead prevent pain by measures I have advised
Hope this helps
Do write back in case of concern
What I about my symptoms? These do NOT relate to pain but discomfort. Somrething like a bubleing sensation that ccurs always 2 hours after going to sleep. Whatever time I go to sleep. Are these symptoms consistant with Diverticulosis?
I already take a probiotic on a daily basis.
We do not eat "junk food". I am already on a high fibre diet.
What about Helicobacter Pylori? I have had problems in the past (at least 15 years ago) with this condition when my wife had surgery for Hiatus Hernia.
I believe that this can occurr because of severe stress. In July 2013 I had TURP surgery that had unwanted and unexpected side effects . This led to 3 episodes of internal bladder bleeding leading on each occasion to bladder retention and emergency visits to our local Accident & Emergency Hospital. The pain was so severe on each occasion that I passed out. The condition only settled down in September 2013.
Could this have caused the above infection to start up again?
John Dent
Could be gastritis with collitis
Detailed Answer:
Hi Thanks for writing in again
It is good to know you are aware of your health status
Yes gastritis due to stress can cause discomfort 2 hours after going to bed
I would suggest you rule out colitis also by getting your stool report done
Helicobactor pylori is a bacteria documented to cause gastritis for that you need to go for a lab test or Endoscopy
It is sad to know you has complications after turp surgery
I would give a trial of rabeprazole along with domperidone twice a day for seven to ten days before going for further evaluation
Hope this helps
Do write back in case you have any questions