What Causes Dizziness And Crawling Sensation In Leg And Scalp?

Definitely need more DATA
Detailed Answer:
Good afternoon XXXX. My name is Dr. Dariush Saghafi and I am a neurologist in the XXXXXXX OH region of the world. I'd like to give you a few thoughts for you to think about.
I agree that more information would be preferable to just
"Rata tat tat- Let's pull something out of the MEDICATION VAT!"
You're young and I'm assuming this sort of thing doesn't happen to you every day so getting to the bottom of things is more important than just putting you on drugs that may or may work and more than that...may not even be addressing the problem as opposed to just "putting a bandaid on things."
I also agree that answers sooner rather than later would be preferable and even though your primary doc may not feel comfortable ordering imaging studies I believe some preliminary labs could be done just to get the ball rolling. I would recommend some preliminary things such as a CBC and electrolytes with Total Calcium, Ionized Calcium, Thyroid Panel (not JUST TSH), Vit D, D2, D3 in serum, Vit. B12, folate, ANA, and a few other things. It is very possibly and maybe even likely that everything will come out normal...but that's OK....it helps rule a few things out and clears the way for imaging studies and other types of examinations and/or procedures to be tried.
As a neurologist I can tell you that symptoms such as these within an 8 week period of time will not likely make a difference in terms of damage vs. no damage that you're asking about. I know these are troubling symptoms for you, "alarming" as you put it....but nothing of a life/death struggle is likely to be on the horizon if they are not dealt with emergently. However, I know you're not going to sleep as well while you have this going on and in medicine I believe KNOWING WHAT THE PROBLEM is can be as therapeutic for some people as the cure....well, maybe not in all cases....but in a lot of cases I speak the truth...trust me!
I always get patients in to my practice within a couple of days whenever they come up with ANY type of symptom or problem that THEY feel is terribly uncomfortable or that they've never had before and need reassurance on but I know that's not the practice in many larger practices and hospitals. It's because they're just TOO busy.
So here's my next best suggestion.....hop a plane to XXXXXXX and you're here in 5 hrs., right? LOL! Well, as crazy as that sounds...I actually see people on a 7 day schedule who come from different parts of the country and will go to the office and open the building if it really calls for it...but here's perhaps the next best thing....
If you'd like to get an on camera consultation using live video or audiostreaming I can see you on any Wed-Sat from 3a-6a (ET) and Sun 11p-3a (ET) and we can go through more of the history which is going to be very important to nail down as well as some elements of a neurological exam which we can do by videocam. Some things cannot be done but at least I'd get a chance to look you over and see a few things that otherwise would be impossible simply by writing text messages back and forth.
You can find me at www.healthtap.com/drsaghafi and as I said I am on shift every Wed-Sat. from 3a-6a which puts it at about midnight-3a your time. If you do decide to go that route let me know and I'll give you more specific information on exactly how to look me up when coming on to the website. Otherwise, if you're in California, you will be routed to the first available oncall doctor in the California region....and not that they're necessarily bad or anything but....I kind of think you'd rather be talking to a neurologist rather than primary care which who you'd likely catch since the specialists have not really launched fully just yet on that network.
If I have provided you with information of value to your questions then, your written feedback along a STAR RATING would be greatly appreciated and keeps them throwing fish at me for a job well done! HA!
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I wish you all the best and do hope you consider continuing this conversation....(or coming to XXXXXXX OH!) LOL....actually, we are quite a nice town to visit these days.....we're doing much better than when the Cuyahoga River used to burn and had to be put out by the XXXXXXX Fire Dept and Coast Guard! Geez!--- much better now..especially since THE KING is back! Are you a LeBron fan per chance?
At any rate....all the best to you and perhaps we'll have the pleasure of reconnecting to find out more on this situation and try and get some things going the right direction for you.
This query required 60 min. of physician specific time to review, research, and document in final draft form for envoy.

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