What Causes Drop In HR Level And BP At Night After Taking Nadolol?
Concern is low HR of 42 confirmed on ECG no abnormalities.
Closed head injury and multiple spinal injuries after cycle fall 2003. 2004 developed 30_40 headaches a day and BP 220/110. eventual settled on veraprmil 200mg anti depressant continued.
2013 GP Retired. Age 83.
New GP concerned headaches changed to Eflexor 35mg Nadolol 40mg headaches gone. added later half Doxazosin 35mg for prostate bladder rather than BP.
The odd migraine changed to alternate days all of February. Considered vascular. Nadolol at night added no migraine but HR dropped. above meds changed from am to pm dropping extra Nadolol.
BP low at night though am up to 50. Bloods all good including salts.5-6 hours sleep down from 8-9.
Should i be concerned when only odd fatigue now?
Please, ask your doctor to review the nadolol dose
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about this low pulse rate that you have reported. From all the information that you have provided, I will suggest that you talk to your doctor to review the dose of nadolol. As a beta blocker, this drug slows down the frequency of heart beat and should be the first and most likely cause of this low heart rate.
For now, there is not much to worry about as this seems to be caused by a drug and a review of the dosage would be sufficient to address the problem. Unless some other information comes up, you would be fine. Of course, with a low heart rate, fatigue may be expected.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services. Feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.