What Causes Dry Mouth After Having Cortisone Injection?
Possibly related/Not absolutely clear at this time
Detailed Answer:
Good morning Ms. XXXXXXX My name is Dr. Saghafi and I would like to answer your question on the symptoms you're experiencing following your injection of cortisone yesterday.
As I understand your situation you had an epidural injection of cortisone within the past 24-48 hrs. and have been experiencing dry mouth, tingling lips, and tingling legs. You also state that the tingling in the legs happens at times not necessarily just after this injection occurred.
Typically, following a cervical epidural injection a number of side effects have been reported to occur such as brief spells of numbness and tingling although I believe that in this case since your injection was in the cervical region and since you report having tingling in the legs before this injection I believe the likelihood of the tingling in the legs being related is very low.
Dry mouth and tingling lips also can be considered rare but possible side effects of the injection. We also should ask whether or not you may have had any of these symptoms while on KEPPRA for seizures because that medication can in fact cause any and all of the side effects you mention.
If these symptoms are due to the injection itself then, I expect they will subside within a few days. If they persist then, I would say that something else may be going on to cause them as opposed to the injection itself.
Please do not hesitate to let us know how things go and if there are any other questions.