What Causes Dry Mouth And Bad Taste In The Mouth?
Good oral hygiene , improved lfe style, medication will help.
Detailed Answer:
hi XXXX,
Thanks for your query under HCM.
I have read your query & understand your concern.
The stringy things you have in your mouth seems to be oral thrush or oral candidiosis.caused by loss of normal , protective oral flora.this may follow-
* Probable causes-
- Bad oral hygiene/ wrong denture maintenance/ constipation/ smoking
- Dry mouth; because of use of drugs like antibiotics, anti allergic medicines, Steroids ( including inhaled steroids ),anti depressants, post radiotherapy./ some disease conditions like - Diabetes, asthma, anemia,arthritis, immuno compromised diseases- like aids /habit of smoking, tobacco chewing/ nerve damage ( local or at spinal level )
- dietary problems- indigestion, under nutrition,folic acid,B12, iron deficiencies/diet high in carbohydrates
* Management consists of-
- Improving oral hygiene/ cleaning with warm water & application of anti fungal gels
- Oral anti fungal medicines like Nistatin /Micanozole - as per doctor's choice./ folic acid, vitamin B12 supplements.
- Investigations for diagnosis & treatment of underlying cause/ leaving habits like smoking, tobacco chewing.
* You are therefore advised to-
1 - Start with self care ..leave smoking/ tobacco, maintain good oral hygiene ( regular tooth brushing, gargles with anti microbial mouth washes mouth wash after taking inhaled steroids/ saline gargles, apply local medicines like Tess/ candid gel, have non irritant food with folic acid, B12 & plenty of fibers, drink plenty of water so as to have good digestion/ bowel movement./ Stick to good oral hygiene for preventing recurrence after cure of the present problem.
2- consult your family physician.. he will-
- detailed local examination,/ diagnosis of the condiosis & prescription of specific drugs/ investigations to find or exclude possible cause & offer specific treatment to eliminate it/ refer you to concerned specialist as per need.
I hope the answer was both informative & guiding to you. Any follow up query is welcome.