What Causes Dull Pain In Lower Abdominal Area While Walking Or Coughing?
The last few days I have stomach pain under my belly button actually I would say a dull ache and if I walk or cough hurts even more
With this I tend to be constipated but first thing in morning diarhea and lots of clear discharge from the vigana and anus
I also have a burning shooting pain in the vagina and anus with the pains shooting from my bum down my legs and soles of my feet. And I feel very weak and headaches with this as well
I was touching raw dog food the day before starting to feel ill and forgot to wash my hands after dealing with it
I did get biten by some insects a few weeks ago that got swollen
And last week my dog bit me im guessing nothing to do with any of that through
If you do not mind, please do write back with some more information, thx :)
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. I really appreciate all the information you have provided me with, but if you do not mind I do have a few more questions for you which may help me in finding the exact cause for your presentation, and would greatly appreciate it if you would provide your kind response to them.
+What would you say is your daily fluid intake? In litres?
+Do you have symptoms like frequent urination?
+Have you experienced a fever since your symptoms began?
+Did you by any chance visit the loo to pass your bowels or urine and come in contact with your anal region or genitalia after touching the raw dog food?
+Are you currently on any medications?
+Did you handle your own food after/while dealing with the dog food, without properly washing your hands?
+Is your diarrhoea foul-smelling?
I look forward to hearing from you in order to help you further ma'am. Once I receive a response to my questions, I should be able to provide you with a diagnosis and hopefully even guide you with the way forward.
Best wishes. :)
No symptons of frequent urination but down there feels different but doesn't hurt to go to the loo
No fever but whole body aches and feel tired and weak and couple inches under belly button feel full ache that's worse when moving or coughing etc
No medications only anti acids over the counter I use regularly for indigestion gaviscon
No didn't go to the loo after handling raw
I think I had a bite of a biscuit while preparing there raw food
At the moment constipated but feel like I need to go and loose stools in the morning and just normal smell
Non-specific symptoms, but way forward advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again ma'am.
Thank you so much for your response.
Although there are no direct signs of an infection, it is likely and a urine analysis, stool analysis and vaginal swab test would help to confirm or rule an infection out, so if at all you have the time and available facilities to go about the investigations, I would urge you to go ahead with them and write back to me with the results.
But if at all you cannot go about them, then you may require the following:
+Drink at least 3 litres of water a day, as it is extremely unhealthy to have a low intake of fluids, and one of the most common ailments are kidney stones (which if you can get an ultrasound KUB, then it would help to rule it out as you have a low fluid intake). Your weakness, body aches, joint pains, etc; will all surely reduce once you increase your fluid intake, I guarantee you
+Drink cranberry juice as tolerated
+Add 1 tbsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink at least 3-5 times a day
+You may require antibiotic coverage, so please write back to me if you can access antibiotics through a medical store or pharmacy and I shall send you to name and dosage you can use
+Keep your inner garments clean and dry at all times
+Change inner wear regularly
+Avoid all forms of sexual contact (including masturbation)
I hope you find my response helpful. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help.
Best wishes.