What Causes Dull Pain On Right Upper Part Of Buttocks Radiating To Back?
To consider possibility of Ureteric Colic
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare-Magic
Greetings of the day
Going by description of the symptoms the possible explaination of your symptoms is Ureteric Colic. Radiation of pain in lower abdomen and scrotum points towards the possibility. When Kidney stone gets passed through the Ureter it typically produces such kind of pain.
In the absence of any obvious history of constipation , it is unlikely to be the cause. CT scan especially Plain CT scan(done without use of Intravenous contrast) could miss out small Ureteric stone.
Other possibility that needs to be considered based on location of pain in thighs is Prolapsed intervertebral disc causing nerve root compression. It is less likely to be the cause.
I would suggest you the following
1. Thorough clinical examination from Physician
2. Repeat Ultrasound based on clinical findings
Do keep me updated about progress.
Wishing you great health.
Best regards
Dr Deepak kaltari
Consultant Surgeon
My issue started around 8 months back, my ultrasound taken at XXXXXXX XXXXXXX showed kidney stone. Since then I am taking an average of 3L. of water every day.the pain that get is on the upper right pelvic region., and lower back and lower abdomen and in the scrotum.the CT scan taken with and without contrast, by giving me intravenous injection.
If any problem in my abdominal or pelvic organs, would it have been shown in the CT scan. Now I have scheduled an appointment with a physician on the 2nd of December.
Pls respond me.
CT scan usually picks up pathology
Detailed Answer:
Plain and contrast CT would have definitely pipicked up any abdominal and pelvic pathology. Small ureteric calculi may occasionally be missed unless there is gross obstruction to flow of Urine
It's good that you have scheduled an appointment. I would suggest you the following in the meantime
1. Ensure good intake of water
2. Analgesic and antispasmodic will be helpful in relieving pain
Wishing you great Health
Best regards
Dr Deepak