What Causes Ear Fullness With Pulsating Sound And Pain In Temporal Area?
Dental complications due to TMJ
Detailed Answer:
I am available to assist you and have viewed your medical history. My experience with dental patients that have a history of TMJ discomfort is to see other tooth related issues. Tooth or root fracture can be associated with excessive tooth wear. This can cause an abscess that would be localized to one side of your mouth. The side effects of an abscess can be radiating and inflammation can be associated with the symptoms that you described. Even when you have had a thorough exam and X-rays, this can be a difficult diagnosis when a fracture is not obvious or a stress crack subject to expansion. Rule out any specific dental problems.
There are multiple designs to try for night guards. Make sure you discuss this further with your dentist. A description of your TMJ history, current night guard appliance and condition of your teeth would be helpful. have you had any additional diagnostic testing? A CAT Scan of the joint or 3D image may be a consideration of a definitive diagnosis can not be made.
Rule out any sinus and ear infections. Consider seeing an Ear, nose and throat specialist. Do you get any relief from decongestants and anti-inflammatory medications? Seasonal allergies can cause pressure.
I am glad to review any additional details that you can provide and details on your overall medical history would be helpful.
Thank you for your inquiry.