What Causes Electrical Shock Like Sensation In Body?
Possible Lhermitte's sign
Detailed Answer:
Good day.
Noted your concern. The electric sensation in body on bending and turning neck is called Lhermitte's sign.
May I ask you few questions. ..
Do you have any neck pain or tightness around neck. what precipitates the electric sensation in body ? Have you had your vitamin B12, Calcium and Vitamin D levels or Cervical spine MRI done any time?
Have you seen a neurologist recently?
It may be a good idea to see a neurologist to do a thorough examination so that he could assess if it is Lhermitte's sign or not. This is usually due to compression of spinal cord at neck area.
You should also get your vitamin b12 levels, Calcium and Vitamin D levels. Low calcium and Vitamin B12 also can cause this. in addition to this , please get a fasting blood glucose done as well. Diabetes can also cause such symptoms.