What Causes Electrolyte Imbalance In A Newborn Baby?

My 6 weeks newly born son has been diagnosed with PSVT (date of birth 24.09.2016, full term baby) . He had to be admitted in NICU for 12 days. His heart beat XXXXXXX to maximum 310 bpm. Paediatric Cardiologist has prescribed Inderal 10mg , 1/4 for thrice a day. Now he is stable now with normal heart beat.
I had consulted regarding the matter with one of the heart doctor of healthcaremagic.com for a second opinion & he has explained me everything in details. I asked that what may be the possible triggers of PSVT. He said possible triggers may be "body fever, electrolytes imbalances, hormonal imbalances,acute inflammation/infection"
Now my question is
a) When he was discharged from NICU, as per treating doctor , my son's electrolyte imbalance was corrected. Now , What are the possible reason (please include all) which may cause electrolyte imbalance AGAIN in my son?
b) Does passing of watery stool once or frequent watery stool or even vomiting after feed can cause electrolyte imbalance ?
c) What precaution , we shall have to take so that electrolyte imbalance does not happen again in my son? Is there any drink/medicine to feed my baby as a preventive measure.
d) How we can understand (symptoms) that there is electrolyte imbalance in future , without blood test.
f) What are the possible reason (please include all) which may cause inflammation/infection in my son & how to prevent that.
g) For the above triggers, what type of pathological test , will you be suggesting & what shall be frequency (time interval) of those test.
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone carefully through your query and understand your concern. Let me assure you that I have the necessary expertise and experience needed to answer your queries. Let me try to answer them one by one:
a) Before going into your question I need to explain some background first. If you look at the environment around your house it might not be exactly the same (or similar0 all over West Bengal and neither would that represent the weather in XXXXXXX (which is more varied). When a blood sample is drawn, it therefore does not represent the microenvironment in and around the heart. In case of some individuals the sensitivity of the trigger mechanism is more than that of others. The trigger mechanism of the heart beats, and also muscle contraction is based on the cyclic flow of ions or electrolytes. Thus the acute shortages in microenvironment may not reflect in the overall bodily environment that is sampled in case of a blood test for electrolyte imbalance which is necessarily a gross average from many microenvironments. So, largely speaking, the reason of such fluctuations is unknown. PSVT is not something concerning and poses no threat to life. It usually stops on its own but it cannot be predicted what may trigger it again.
b) Frequent passage of loose stools can lead to electrolyte imbalance if adequate rehydration with breast milk or ORS is not done. One single episode is however unlikely to cause it.
c) Keeping the child exclusively on breast feeding is the best way to prevent electrolyte imbalance from occurring. However, relating to the prevention of PSVTs, there is no particular preventive measure to suggest. You need not remain concerned about it.
d) Forget electrolyte imbalance. Consider that things in the body are not going properly. The primary thing to consider is the urine output. If the child passes urine more than 6-8 times in 24 hours, things are fine and you need not worry. If the urine output is lesser than that it indicates dehydration which may predispose to electrolyte imbalance. In that case giving increased amount of breast feeding is all that is required. Another warning sign to look for is lethargy.
e) As I mentioned, you need not bother about electrolyte imbalance. The body runs on a balance of numerous metabolic or electrochemical reactions that go on throughout the body. These reactions maintain a balance of electrolytes in the body fluids including blood (which are necessarily a soup of electrolytes or salts in a watery medium). When things go wrong, this balance is no longer maintained and it leads to electrolyte imbalance.
f) There are only three broad things to be done (1) Exclusive breast feeding (2) Maintaining hand hygiene (3) Maintaining a comfortable temperature and air flow.
Nothing else needs to be done.
g) As already explained, pathological testing will not necessarily reflect something occurring in microenvironments unless there is something grossly wrong. I have already mentioned the symptoms that are to be looked out for. In case of lethargy or reduced urine output, it is advisable to visit a pediatrician. He might order a blood count and C-Reactive protein (CRP) level to be tested, but it largely depends on the scenario.
let me know if you have any further queries.
Dr. Diptanshu Das
+91-0000 XXXXXXX

Expressing my sincere thanks & gratitude for the reply. Thank you very much for that.
Some few question related to son :
1) Many a times we have seen that my son has been feeded still he is crying very hard. We try to soothen but fails, We do not understand. What may be the reason? We got tensed that this may shoot up his heartbeat, as he is suffering from PSVT.
2) What should be the property of a normal stool , I mean color, softness, watery/semi soft etc.
3) Is it normal of vomiting immediately after a feed ? What may be the reason ?
4) My son has developed water blister in his mouth, since he had been nicu, (as per treating doctor's version). How to treat that.
Thank you for your understanding regarding my anxiety for my son.
Questions answered one by one
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
1. Babies often get colics especially when on formula feeds. That could be the reason for his crying in spite of being fed. In such a case switching back to breast milk should provide relief. You should burp the baby for at least 15-20 mins after each feed. All you need to do is to hold the baby head end elevated for this duration. The extra air taken causes distention and hence colics. Proper burping will ensure its escape and the milk will not regurgitate back from the stomach to the food pipe, thus providing relief. You can otherwise continue to give Coliaid when needed. You need not give it on regular basis. It is a safe medicine and you need not worry about any disadvantage of giving it.
2. For a baby of this age, it is normal to pass stool several times a day or even after each feed. Alternatively the child may pass stool once in 10 days and that is normal too. Unless the stool is hard and pellet like, you need not grow concerned. It is also normal to pass green stool or a combination of yellow stool. The green colour occurs due to rapid transit through large intestine where the bile pigments do not get adequate time to convert to the yellow colour of stool. It is OK for some mucus to be there in the stool.
3. Vomiting is not normal but can occur due to regurgitation of food. It could be due to overfeeding or due to intolerance to formula feeds.
4. Giving him A to Z Drops (or any other multivitamin drop) 0.5 ml once daily should provide relief.

Thank you very much for relieving me from anxiety.
Just today, my son has some medical condition & coming after taking consulation from child doctor. I am writing this email so as to take a second opinion of your.
Problem is
a) My son is dry coughing approximately 01 to 02 times in 15-20 mins period of interval, but that too when is awake. He is also sneezing . The same is not there when in sleeping. The sound of dry coughing is sharp, not blunt. When he is sleeping, we can feel 'ghar..ghar..r..ghar..' sound , but that seems to be from his throat. When he was discharged from NICU,same sound was there for the first few days after discharge. We are also giving nasoclear nasal drop. Nose seems to be clear of mucus . Today's doctor has started treatement of asthma, prescribing a) omnacortil, b) ambrodil-s c) augmentin duo and levolin inhaler (SOS).
Based on above information, can you please re-confirm what is the exact disease. Is it asthma at all ? Or simply cold /flue or what? or Allergic ? If you require more information for diagnosis purpose , i am ready to share on immediate basis. we are tensed at doctors presribing in haler for my son.
b) There is white patch in inner side of chick (in mouth wall) (bengali te 'gaal er bhitor side e) which is taking very much time in curing even after application of 'candid mouth paint' . please see video for details on youtube
Is is fungal or virus or bacterial. Please tell me better treatment of that.
c) My son is farting often. Is it normal ? How to prevent that.
d) Doctor has prescribed 'Bertolli' oilve oil , does it really have any medicational benefit .
e) Please share a word/pdf document regarding better upkeepment of my son, if the same is available .
Questions answered one by one
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. Let me try to answer your queries one by one:
a) Most often such symptoms are due to viral infections (known as bronchiolitis) and antibiotics are ineffective in such cases. Although your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, I doubt if they would not help and irrespective of treatment it usually spontaneously resolves in 5-7 days. I do not think it is asthma (it does not start so early). Levolin Inhaler can be given as required but I am a bit skeptical about the use of omnacortil. I would not be able to clinically examine your child. Probably a second opinion would be useful.
b) I have checked the video. It seems to be due to candidiasis, a fungal infection that occurs when the immunity is depressed. Candid mouth paint is the right treatment for your child.
c) Farting could be due to bacterial degradation of undigested food matter in the intestines. You need not worry about that. Exclusive breast feeding is all that is needed.
d) I do not think it to be needed. Medical benefits in babies of this age is not established.
e) Let me emphasize on the fact that breast milk is the best possible milk for a baby and there can be no alternatives for the same. Most formula milks are cow milk based and hence difficult to digest. Moreover they make the child more prone to complications and infections. Mother's breast milk is produced on the demand of the baby. Hungrier the baby, more vigorous is the suck. More is the suck, more is the amount of breast milk produced. Giving formula automatically reduces the demand of the baby and thereby the production of breast milk. All you need to do is to switch back to exclusive breast feeding and the production will increase automatically. All you need to do is to monitor the urine output. If the frequency is more than 6 times in 24 hours, you would know that the amount of feeding is adequate. If the amount of passage of urine is less or if the child is lethargic you would need to take the child to a doctor without delay.
For a baby of this age, it is normal to pass stool several times a day or even after each feed. Alternatively the child may pass stool once in 10 days and that is normal too. Unless the stool is hard and pellet like, you need not grow concerned. It is also normal to pass green stool or a combination of yellow stool. The green colour occurs due to rapid transit through large intestine where the bile pigments do not get adequate time to convert to the yellow colour of stool. It is OK for some mucus to be there in the stool.
Breast milk also takes care of immunity against common ailments like cough and cold, and diarrhea. So, automatically your worries would be reduced. For a baby of this age, it is normal to pass stool several times a day or even after each feed. Alternatively the child may pass stool once in 10 days and that is normal too. Unless the stool is hard and pellet like, you need not grow concerned. You need not use suppositories but in case you use, it would not be harmful.
If the child seems to have nasal blockage, applying saline drops (like Nasoclear) in each nostril should take care of it. So long as the baby is active and playful, you need not worry.
Babies often get colics especially when on formula feeds. In such a case switching back to breast milk should provide relief. You should burp the baby for at least 15-20 mins after each feed. All you need to do is to hold the baby head end elevated for this duration. The extra air taken causes distention and hence colics. Proper burping will ensure its escape and the milk will not regurgitate back from the stomach to the food pipe, thus providing relief. You can otherwise continue to give Coliaid when needed. You need not give it on regular basis. It is a safe medicine and you need not worry about any disadvantage of giving it.
That is all I have to say as of now. Let me know if you have further queries.
Dr. Diptanshu Das
+91-0000 XXXXXXX

Thank you very much for the reply.
For a follow-up, I have attached few videos of my son , taken in today morning (07:00AM), yesterday I could not take up the same as my son did not turn up for the same.
Please see one by one (please set speaker sound at full mode)
a) Can you please re-confirm that it is a case of bronchiolitis? Can you plesae suggest medicine of that ?
b) You have said antibiotic and omnacortil will be of no help. We have already given o1 dose (before your reply came) of antibiotic to him. Can antibiotic be stopped from today safely, since it has been started ? Can omnacortil be stopped also ?
c) My Son's whistle like sound (as you will find in of the video) is getting absent after giving of ambrodil-s syrup. Can it be continued ?
d) Can my son be bathed today , considering present health condition ?
e) One of my doctor friend was telling mouth yeast thrush can also cause dry coughing in case of complication. How will be that (sound etc) . Can it be ruled out for my son's case?
f) You said that it is not a case of asthma . How bronchiolitis differs from asthma by its manifestation? Please explain in brief details.
g) Please share all of your clinic's address (kolkata and as well as in district also) , as we are thinking of coming to your clinic. We stay in Rampurhat & Panagarh (in law house)
h) You said exclusive breast feeding. I also agree to that . But sometimes , my spouse is unable to produce milk, saying that it seems that I am unable to produce. My question i) Can it that case formula be given or ii) is it a psychological fear, the more baby sucks in so called empty breast, milk also automatically start producing from the impulsive sucking by the baby AFTER SOMETIME?
Mo: 0000
Questions answered one by one
Detailed Answer:
Coming to your queries:
a) No, I cannot confirm without a clinical evaluation. In any case, stem inhalation should help.
b) If I had a patient like him I would have advised stopping both. But you would need to discuss your choice with your treating physician.
c) Ambrodil S should be continued.
d) No problems with bathing.
e) Oral thrush is due to low immunity. This low immunity is associated with the dry cough that your child has.
f) Bronchiolitis is a viral infection. Asthma is not. The diagnosis of asthma cannot be established just like that in a child of this age.
g) Probably it would be unnecessary to rush so far just for such an ailment. You can give me a call on my XXXXXXX +91-0000.
h) I would still suggest exclusive breast feeding. Formula feeds would inevitably bring down the secretion of breast milk. The production of breast milk is based on the demand of the baby. The flow will adjust itself. If the child is passing urine for more than 6-8 times in 24 hours, consider breast milk production to be adequate. While feeding the baby, use one breast at a time, using alternate breasts for alternate feeding. Do not feed for more than 20-30 mins at a time. Feed at 2-3 hourly intervals. Things would be fine.

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