What Causes Elevated CRP Levels And Difficult Breathing?
Examination of lymphnode necessary.
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr. Prakash HM and I will be answering your query.
CRP levels are elevated in numerous condition and in the present scenario it is only mildly increased.
CRP levels can be increased mildly in the elderly and might not signify anything.
However it should be used in conjunction with ESR. If ESR is near normal limits, nothing to worry for now..
The muscle ache, arthritis everything will have some inflammation going around and might also contribute. Usually it indicates a subclinical disease like the enlarged lymphnodes recently identified.
WBC count is high and differential count is necessary for further commenting. Possible cause is a enlarged lymphnodes as of now.
Find needle aspiration cytology of lymphnodes might be able to identify any possible etiology.
Try to attach reports, if possible.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM