What Causes Elevated Bilirubin Levels?
I cant seem to settle my mind on giberts syndrome because it seems as if crigler najjor 2 could be possible... Please if i can get lab references , age of typical diagnosis of criggler it would be extremely helpful...
I was recently diagnosed with gilberts but it was done with one blood test by my gastro and was told over the phone... Please help to give me something tangeable so i can stay away from the internet ...
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
In glucoronyl transferase deficient individuals, jaundice occurs which is harmless. Its know as XXXXXXX syndrome and no further tests are needed.
In criglar najjar type 2 there is moderate GT deficiency but it can potentially lead to increase unconjugated bilirubin and kernicterus in child and be fatal.
Based on your description, its most consistent with XXXXXXX
If appropriate, Kindly upload the test results you mentioned to comment further
Wishing you best of health
Let me know if you have any query
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
For future follow up / correspondence you may ask me directly at the link given below
Dr. M.S. Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Gibert syndrome is benign genetic liver disorder in which its unable to process bilirubin due to decrease activity of an enzyme called UGT1A1. Its an autosomal recessive trait. People with gilbirt syndrome has reduced levels of this enzyme. People with this disease have one third activity of this particular enzyme. Some times there is no symptoms while some may experience slight yellowish discoloration of skin, in some jaundice is only apparent when triggered by condition like dehydration, stress, exertion, fasting, infection or alcohol consumption. There is fluctuating levels of bilirubin.
Other similar disease is criglar najjar type two , in this there is persistent yellow skin . There is decrease activity of this enzyme UGT1A1 but its even more less than its in gilberts. There is no clinical consequence. Type one is too fatal it presents on infancy and requires aggressive treatment. XXXXXXX requirea no treatment and its harmless condition. XXXXXXX is determined to be there when there is hyperbilirubinemia in the abcesnce of hemolysis.
Hope it helps
Dr M.S Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
Based on these labs, it's most likely XXXXXXX syndrome.
Dr M.S Khalil