What Causes Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels?
My SGPT & SGOT levels were in 40 range last year and same has reached to above 120 levels now. My weight is 82. Last year my Gastro DOC had advised me to reduce weight. He did not prescribed any mediation. However, I could not. Now with increased levels, he has not prescribed any medications. He has advised me to reduce weight by 10 Kgs and these levels should go down. Please refer to attached reports.
Please advise what does increase level of SGOT/SGPT mean? I am worried. Please be XXXXXXX
Please advise what shall be the treatment plan for this. Please elaborate as much as possible.
Regards, XXXXXXX
Hi XXXXXXX Besides your liver enzymes (SGOT and SGPT)
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXXXXX Besides your liver enzymes (SGOT and SGPT) your triglycerides are also high. So you probably have fat accumulation in the liver. You have three out of five criteria for metabolic syndrome--Fatty liver(disturbed enzymes), high triglycerides, and obesity. The other two are Diabetes and Hypertension that you can also develop if you do not act now. So go in for an exercise regimen and diet control (less fried, ghee, butter, cheese, red meat, white rice, sweets, sugar,bakery items). Increase fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouts, dals, low fat dairy, whole wheat.
But I think some bile salts like Ursodeoxy cholic acid given for about six months may help you. And maybe some treatment for high triglycerides again short term for about three months. Weight reduction to 10% below your ideal body weight is the key. Regards
What is the risk level? Has Liver damage started? I shall control everything from now but I am worried what does these high level means?
Hi XXXXXXX At present liver is affected but not damaged permanently.
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXXXXX At present liver is affected but not damaged permanently. It is in your hands to completely reverse the process. To further motivate you, let me tell you that many of my patients with similar reports have completely reversed. I am sure if you follow the guidelines suggested by me, risk will be low and you too will be fine. All the best. Regards
One more question, you have mentioned that "But I think some bile salts like Ursodeoxy cholic acid given for about six months may help you" what are these medicines and dosage?
How frequent do I need to go for repeat of SGPT & SGOT? What other tests should be repeated when I go for SGPT & SGOT. Please advise.
Hi XXXXXXX I would like you to discuss medication with your primary care
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXXXXX I would like you to discuss medication with your primary care Physician locally. Since SGOT and SGPT are raised, repeat monthly till they return to normal.
You can repeat serum Triglycerides (please take medication from your doctor ---like Lipicard for it) after 3 months, and Sonography to see what progress is there in fatty liver regression after a year. Regards.