What Causes Elevated Liver Enzymes While On R-Cinex?
my wife is taking TB medicine from past 45 days ( R-cnex,Pyzina , moxifloxacin, streptomycin 500mg).now SGPT is 163 and SGOT 221. doctor has stopped R-cnex and pyzina till SGPT & SGOT comes to nomal limit.
is this approach is correct ? or should I consult for specialist. MRI shows ,she has TB infection in brain also.
kindl suggest.
Stopping Rcinex and Pyzina if the liver enzymes are high is the correct app
Detailed Answer:
Stopping Rcinex and Pyzina if the liver enzymes are high is the correct approach. TB medicines can adversely affect the liver and in that case we stop the medicines and restart once SGOT and SGPT become normal.
But from your description it appears that she is taking moxifloxacin and streptomycin from the beginning. Is it so? These medicines are only used as second line drugs if drug resistance is suspected or if liver is affected. Why she is not taking ethambutol which is a primary drug and forms essential part of TB treatment for first 2 months. Please discuss these issues with her treating physician.
Have reviewed the attached reports.
Moxifloxin and Streptomycin was started a week ago when she became unconscious and MRI was done. MRI report shows the infection in brain also.
that time ethambutol was stopped.
Now Dr want to stop Rcinex and Pyzina for 1 week.
Do the SGPT and SGOT again. post report review the treatment plan.
can you suggest a specialist in XXXXXXX to have second opinion face to face and show the MRI report ?
The line of treatment is correct
Detailed Answer:
The line of treatment is correct and as per laid down guidelines.
You should follow your doctor's advice. In my opinion there is no need for a second opinion as far as treatment of tb is concerned because the treatment being given is as per laid down guidelines. In tb treatment continuity and adherence to treatment is very lmportant to prevent development of complications esp drug resistance tb.
Since I do not practice in XXXXXXX I do not know the doctors there.
Take care.