What Causes Excessive Crying Of A Baby Along With Sleeplessness?
Baby is likely to be hungry
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I assume you meant 9 months when you have mentioned just 9 in the age group. Every baby is unique and have their own ways of communicating. Crying is just a mechanism to convey to parents.
All babies cry sometimes. It's perfectly normal. Most small babies cry for between one hour and three hours each day.
Your baby can't do anything for herself and relies on you to provide her with the food, warmth and comfort that she needs. Crying is your baby's way of communicating any or all of those needs and ensuring a response from you.
It's sometimes hard to work out what your baby is telling you. But in time you will learn to recognise what your baby needs. And as your baby grows she'll learn other ways of communicating with you. She'll get better at eye contact, making noises and smiling, all of which reduce her need to cry for attention.
In the meantime, if your baby is difficult to soothe, she may be trying to say:
1. Hungry Baby: Hunger is one of the most common reasons that your newborn baby will cry. The younger your baby is, the more likely it is that she's hungry.
Your baby's small stomach can't hold very much, so if she cries, try offering her some milk. She may be hungry, even if her last feed doesn't seem very long ago. It's likely that you will be feeding often and regularly in the first day or so to help your breastmilk to come in anyway. If you are formula feeding your baby she may not be hungry if she has been fed within the last two hours.
2. Need nappy changing: Your baby may protest if her clothes are too tight or if a wet or soiled nappy is bothering her. Or she may not mind if her nappy is full and may actually enjoy the warm and comfortable feeling. But if your baby's tender skin is being irritated she will most likely cry.
3. Too cold or too hot: Your baby may hate having her nappy changed or being bathed. She may not be used to the feeling of cold air on her skin and would rather be bundled up and warm. But you will soon learn how to perform a quick nappy change if this is the case.
Take care not to overdress your baby, or she may become too hot. She will generally need to wear one more layer of clothing than you to be comfortable.
Use sheets and cellular blankets as bedding in your baby's cot or XXXXXXX basket. You can check whether your baby is too hot or too cold by feeling her tummy. If her tummy feels too hot, remove a blanket, and if it feels cold, add one.
Don't be guided by your baby's hands or feet, as they usually feel cool. Keep your baby's room at a temperature of between 22 and 25 degrees C depending on the weather.
If your baby is co-sleeping with you, contact with your body will elevate her skin temperature so she's likely to be warm. Is she is using a cot, place her down to sleep on her back with her feet at the end of the cot. That way she can't wriggle too far down under the blankets and become too hot.
4. Baby needs to be held : Your baby will need lots of cuddling, physical contact and reassurance to comfort her. So it may be that she just wants to be held. Try a baby sling to keep her close to you, perhaps swaying and singing to her while you hold her.
You may be worried about spoiling your baby if you hold her too much. But during the first few months of her life that's not possible. Small babies need lots of physical comfort. If you hold your baby close she may be soothed by hearing your heartbeat.
5. Baby may be tired and need rest: Often, babies find it hard to get to sleep, particularly if they are over-tired. You will soon become aware of your baby's sleep cues. Whining and crying at the slightest thing, staring blankly into space, and going quiet and still are just three examples.
If your baby has received a lot of attention and cuddles from doting visitors, she may become over-stimulated. Then, when it comes to sleeping, she'll find it hard to switch off and settle. Take your baby somewhere calm and quiet to help her to settle down. Read more on establishing good sleep habits.
6. Baby needs something to feel better : Be aware of changes in your baby. If she's unwell, she'll probably cry in a different tone to her usual cry. It may be weaker, more urgent, continuous, or high-pitched. And if your baby usually cries a lot but has become unusually quiet, it may be a sign that she's not well.
Nobody knows your baby as well as you do. If you feel that there may be something wrong with her, speak to your baby's doctor and discuss your concerns. Call the doctor if your baby has difficulty breathing through the crying, or if the crying is accompanied by a fever, vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation.
7. Baby need something... but don't know what: Sometimes you might not be able to figure out what's wrong when your baby cries. Many newborns go through patches of fretfulness and are not easily comforted. The unhappiness can range from a few minutes of hard-to-console crying to several hours at a stretch, an almost constant state of crying that is sometimes called colic. Colic is defined as inconsolable crying for at least three hours a day, for at least three days a week.
Many parents find it very difficult to cope with a baby who has colic, and it can put a strain on the whole family. There is no magic cure for colic, but it rarely lasts for more than three months. If you can hold on to the fact that your baby will grow out of it, that may help. See our article on coping with colic for more strategies on how to deal with this distressing condition.
As you gradually get to know your baby's personality you'll learn which techniques work best for her. If a cuddle doesn't do the job, these suggestions may help:
Wrap her up and hold her tight:
Newborns show a definite preference for feeling snug and secure, just as they were in the womb, so you might like to try swaddling your baby in a blanket to see if she likes that. Many parents also find that holding their baby close, especially when she can hear their heartbeat, or putting her in a baby sling is soothing. Other babies find swaddling too restrictive and respond better to other forms of reassurance such as being rocked or sung to.
2. Find a constant sound
In the uterus (womb), your baby could hear the beat of your heart, which is why she likes to be held close to you now. There are other repetitive noises that may also have a calming effect.
Many parents find that if their baby can hear the steady rhythm of a ticking clock that will soon lull her off to sleep. You could try playing gentle music or singing a lullaby or even the garbha sanskar music you listened to during pregnancy.
You can also download white-noise sounds or a white-noise app for your phone, or buy a white-noise CD created for babies. These mimic the sounds in the uterus and may soothe your crying baby.
3. Rock-a-bye baby
Babies usually love to be gently rocked. You could:
• Walk around while rocking her.
• Sit with her in a rocking chair.
• If she's old enough, sit her securely in a baby swing.
• Take her out for a ride in your car.
• Take her out for a walk in her pram or stroller.
4. Try a massage or a tummy rub
Using massage oils or cream and gently rubbing her back or tummy can help to soothe your baby. It may also make you feel better, as it's a practical way of reducing your baby's distress. See our baby massage photo gallery.
5. Try a different feeding position
Some babies cry during or after feeds. If you are breastfeeding, you may find that improving the way your baby latches on helps her to feed calmly without crying.
If she seems to have painful gas during feeds, you could try feeding her in a more upright position. Burp your baby after a feed by holding her against your shoulder. If your baby cries straight after a feed, she may still be hungry.
6. Let her suck on something
In some newborns, the need to suck is very strong. Sucking at your breast while feeding, a clean finger or a dummy or pacifier can bring great comfort. Comfort sucking can steady a baby's heart rate, relax her tummy, and help her to settle.
7.Give her a warm bath
A warm bath may soothe your baby and help her to calm down. Check the water temperature before placing her in there. But bear in mind that this may also make her cry more if she hates bathes. In time, you will get to know your baby's likes and dislikes.
8. Don’t demand too much of yourself
If your newborn cries almost constantly, she won't do herself lasting harm. But it's likely to cause you and your husband a great deal of stress and worry. If she's unhappy and resists every effort to calm her down, you may feel rejected and frustrated. But you are not the cause of her crying, so don't blame yourself.
This crying is a phase and it will pass. Newborn babies are hard work. Being the parent of a newborn who cries a lot is even harder work. But try to get help and support when you need it, rather than letting things build up.
Be reassured that as your baby grows, she will learn new ways of communicating her needs to you. And when this happens, the crying will stop.
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kaltari
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon