What Causes Experiencing A Feeling Of Hollowness In Chest?
Acid reflux, asthma or even anxiety can be the case.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
Such strange feeling can appear due to acid reflux disease, asthma, heart arrhythmia or even heart ischemia. Anxiety can be the case as well.
Acid reflux usually appears after certain foods intake like fatty foods, fried foods, coffee, alcohol. It likes to appear during the night or when lying down.
Asthma can give described by you feeling. It gets more intense when taking a breath. You may sense it as an itching inside the chest.
Heart arrhythmia can spontaneously give kind of pounding inside the chest which can be stopped by holding the breath.
Heart ischemia feeling usually appears after some physical activity.
As you do take Lisinopril, there is a possibility that this feeling appears as a side effect of this drug. It is known that it can cause severe cough or some strange chest feeling.
I suggest you to have some tests done. Please have heart ECG, stress test and 24 hours Holters heart monitoring. Asthma should be ruled out by a pulmunologist with a blow test.
You may also try to switch lisinopril to some other hypertension drug (like Losartan).
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Arrhythmia can act in such way.
Detailed Answer:
This partially rules hart ischemic issue. But arrhythmia can act like that for sure.