What Causes Eye Floaters?
This question is regarding eye. I have being seen eye floaters from past 1 week. I have checked with ophthalmology doctor who said all is fine & their is no retinal tears. I have been seeing the floaters in only left eye & right eye is fine now. I have read in net that it will occur in right eye as well & it is just matter of time.
Doctor has asked to again meet him in 3-4weeks. Kindly suggest is there any thing to worry.
As I am not able to see clearly through floaters.
I'm 29,now. I have no past case of eye issue. Though I have anxiety issue for past couple of month....
You can go for vitrectomy.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking query on this forum Dear.
I can very well understand the level of frustration you must be feeling.
Some solutions to your present condition are-
Have gone through the reports, there is no tear in the retina.
As the floaters are annoying you a lot, try to get them out of your field of vision. Move your eyes frequently this shifts the fluid around. Look up and down, that usually works better than side to side.This will move floaters out of your visual field.
Plan for vitrectomy. Vitrectomy is surgery to remove some or all of the vitreous humor from the eye. As vitreous humor is replaced by salt solution the floaters will go away and you will feel much relieved.
Stress will make the problem worse, therefore, it's the time when you should go for vitrectomy. At this stage, vitrectomy is the best option for you.
The retinal tear is one of the causes of floaters however it can be due to a number of other factors also.
Yes, floaters are very unpredictable. Research is still going on in developing methods to treat them. As in your case, they are not related to either retinal tear or age it's worrisome because idiopathic(cause unknown) are more difficult to treat.
Thanks for writing.
Is it necessary that floaters will occur in other eye in this case RH eye?
Which is more preferable ignoring the floaters or having a surgery?
Prior to this floaters I have very severe anxiety issue. Is this related to seeing floaters?
How frequently I should check the eye again?
Please do reply sir.
Folow up advice.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again,
a)No its not necessary but yes they can occur in other eye also.No doctor can predict it.Only time can tell.
b)Depends on your symptoms.If symptoms are making you crippled go for surgery other try to learn to live with it.So you are the one who can decide.
c)Anxiety can cause and initiate any problem in human body.Though not directly related yet it can cause.
4)Get it checked yearly once.