What Causes Facial Flushing, Dry Face And High BP In An Elderly Woman?
A step by step approach needs to be taken.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone very carefully through the provided details. However a clinical examination was very important but that is beyond the scope of this online discussion. In such a case a step by step method needs to be adapted. A few tests need to be done and you need to provide certain other details as well.
* Please mention the blood pressure and how long it has been there. Also mention how long she has been on BP medicine.
* Please mention if she has diabetes. If not tested within the last few months, I would insist you to get the blood sugar (fasting) checked and to share the reports. Diabetes could lead to frequent passage of urine.
* Get an ECG done. Rhythm irregularities need to be checked for sicne there is intermittent rise in heart rate.
* The facial flushing and the other complaints could arise from hormone deprivation which can be seen in post menopausal age. In such a case hormone replacement therapy (HRT) needs to be considered. Discuss with her gynecologist.
* An evaluation of her chest is required in order to understand about the condition for which she requires CPAP.
Feel free to write back to me.
Thanks for sharing the details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. Atenolol is known to lower heart rate and also keep the rhythm irregularities at bay. The low heart rate due to atenolol is not a cause for concern. I would favor this medicine and discuss about it with your treating physician.
The symptoms seem to be due to hormonal deprivation and hormonal creams should help in part. More relief would come from hormone replacement therapy.
About the use of CPAP, I do not have specific queries. It is apparent that she has some sort of lung pathology. The details however do not concern the complaint concerned.
Her urine needs to be tested to rule out urinary tract infection as a possible cause of the increase in urinary frequency. It can be assumed that she is non-diabetic.
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