What Causes Fatigue Along With Fullness In Head?

Time ago and I do not know what's going on I always fatigued and feeling of fullness in the head and the lack of focus and forget about the discomfort of the luminescent.
The analyzes of blood and thyroid public and minerals and salts and hemoglobin, sugar and ECG and ultrasound of the heart, vitamins and doctor reviewed the brain and nerves.
All the results sound good what is the solution and what's your opinion about my concerned.
I am suffring from high blood pressure and high Cholestrol and they are under control and I have acidity on my stomach
Is there any stress ?
Detailed Answer:
Greeting from Dr. Divakara.P
Thanks for choosing HealthcareMagic.
Your Problem could be either due to some physical problems or Psychiatric Problems. I need to go through all your reports to know what exactly the tests were done . If certain tests have been missed I can advise them for a complete evaluation.
Also I need to know if there is any stress or tension in your personal or professional life because Psychological problems like Depression can present with these symptoms .
Physical Problems are Vitamin D3 deficiency , Addison's disease , Iron deficiency , Muscular diseases ,
Kindly let me know about the details asked.
Looking forward for your reply .

Ionised calcium,rheumatologic and autoimmune diseases, TSH,T3,T4,ANCA-c,ANC-P,Anti-ccp,anti nuclear antibody(ANA)(ELISA),anti-u1-nRNP/am,anti.sm,anti as-B/La,anti jo-1,antuCENP-B,vitMin D,D3,B12,c.liver and pancreas functions,kidney functions,cardiac markers,blood sugar,HDL and LDL with triglycerides and total Cholestrol,helicobactory,complete blood count CBC,CRP

I am under a stress and since long time a go wooried.
I have time to time fear especially from flight, disease, death.
Do you need any information else?
Can you help me and why I am forgetting and could not feeling well ? Is it Psychology?
Please help me?
By the way ECG and Eacho test also done
Seems Psychological.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back .
You have been extensively evaluated. Only thing which they have missed is evaluation for Addison's disease and Hypopituatarism.
But I am feeling that you are having some Psychological issues especially Depression. You require a counselling by a Psychiatrist, kindly consider that.
Also get evaluated for Addison's and Hypopituatarism . For that get these test done. Serum cortisol ( 8A.M and 4 P.M ) and Serum Growth Hormone.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .

If these test that you mentioned above are ok then what I have to do.
Note that I visit psychology specialist and he said that I have an anxity disorder and he adviced me to take a medicine called "Entapro"(Escitalipram 20 mg) but I didn't take it .
Finally is anxity or stress cause these symptoms and causes like inflation on head with sensitivit from light .
Please advice me
Then go for Psychiatric Counselling.
Detailed Answer:
Yes if they are normal , then go for the Psychiatric counselling and take the prescribed medications by the Psychiatrist regularly . Don't expect a drastic improvement in few days , it shall take some time but it will definitely improve .
But if the reports come abnormal kindly revert back to me .
Also browse internet for information on Fibromyalgia and check whether your problems fit into that.

Query Incomplete
Detailed Answer:
Very Sorry but I am not understanding what you are asking. Do you want to know about trying Accupuncture therapy ?
If that is the case yes there is no harm in trying it . In some people it gives excellent results and in some no appreciable results .
Also you can try a therapy called Salt therapy , it's like taking Steam bath in a chamber of salt . Of late I am using this therapy for some of my patients and found it very useful .
Any clarifications kindly let me know.

This is the result for the test you asked me
1.growth hormone <.0500 Ng/ml.
2.corrisol in serum (am) 10.1
Any advice and how is the result
Reports normal.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up .
Your Cortisol level is in normal range but your Growth Hormone level is on the lower side of normal .
The chances of Hypopituitarism is high . For confirmation you need to undergo Growth Hormone Suppression test . Kindly get it done and revert back .
Hope you are considering a revisit to Psychiatrist , if not please consider.

You mean that all my concerned from anxity?
Secondly if the growth hormone in the lower level of normal then what I have to do, is it dangerous? Or ignor that
She'll I have to take medication for that ?
What is the normal range ?
Seems Anxiety only.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back .
I am feeling that Anxiety is the main culprit for your problems but before branding Anxiety as cause of your problems , I want to rule out the other possibilities .
For low normal Growth hormone nothing needs to be done . But if the Growth Hormone Suppression test shows that your level is low you may require Growth hormone supplements.
Normal Levels are Men: < 5 ng/mL or < 226 pmol/L
Women: < 10 ng/mL or < 452 pmol/L

Thanks Dr
If you have any thing you think I have to do it please let know.
Nothing , just relax.
Detailed Answer:
Nothing much is there . But do consult a Psychiatrist and take the prescribed medicine regularly.
Try learning and doing Meditation ( Though seems Philosophical it works great )
If there are no further queries kindly close the discussion and rate my answer.
Have a Good Day.

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