What Causes Fever And Rectal Bleeding Along With Loose Stools In Infants?
Looks like bacterial dysentery
Detailed Answer:
Hi...by what you quote it looks like your son has got bacterial dysentery as there is blood in stools.
Unless the kid's having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or excessive blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry.
If I were your pediatrician I would suggest using - 5 days course of antibiotics, preferably Cefixime along with, oral Zinc supplement and ORS if the diarrhea is very watery and profuse.
These are prescription drugs. I suggest you consult a pediatrician to assess the dehydration status of the kid.
The other possibility I would like to put forward is cow's milk protein allergy. But with fever, the chances of bacterial dysentery are more.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth
Avoid cow's milk till 1 year of age
Detailed Answer:
Try to avoid cow's milk till the kid is at least 12 months of age.
You can give ORS, but give it only if diarrhea is of large volume.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth