What Causes Fever, Headache, Chills, Burning Micturition, And Stomach Ache?
I returned home from work and my husband who NEVER takes off work was laying on the couch:(. His symptoms include fever, headache and chills and all the classic UTI problems. Frequent urge to urinate with little or no urine and burning sensation. He said his stomach aches, with cramps and soreness. He is 59
Detailed Answer:
Please take your husband in to an urgent care clinic, and if there is none in your area, then the ER.
Your husband's symptoms are beyond a simple UTI and may be a UTI that involves the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Usually with pyelonephritis there is also aching in the flanks (kidney area) and nausea. Also fever which your husband has.
It may also be a prostate infection.
He needs to go in rather than just calling in to his doctor to request an antibiotic, because a bacterial culture and sensitivity test need to be done before starting on an antibiotic.
When he goes in:
1. They will have him give a specimen (so push water drinking right now) and do a quick "dipstick" urinalysis which can give an indication of what is going on.
2. Then the urine should be sent to a lab for a culture. If a colony of bacteria grow, it should be tested with various antibiotics (sensitivity test) - this takes 2-3 days.
But in the meantime, they will start him on an antibiotic. The culture and sensitivity test is important to get because if the antibiotic he receives does not work adequately, the doctor will have the information based on the original urine, of what would be most effective (in case of resistance).
Regarding his making decreased urine volume, it may be that he is dehydrated, but it also may be that there is a stone that is obstructing, in the ureter.
If he is not dehydrated, and if he has colicky pain on one side, he should also have an X-ray done to look for a stone and for back up of fluid.
In the urgent care or ER, ask for a real doctor as they may give him a PA or NP and he needs an MD right now.
Hope I have answered your query.
Dr. Bonnie Berger-Durnbaugh,
General & Family Physician